A call for Harcore RP!

Started by Zymnarkmar, June 26, 2009, 06:41:38 PM

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Just for the sake of argument: beware the 'selecting a few players' idea, it's a slippery slope.

Otherwise, rp is always fun. If you want to *ajusts his helm visor, grips his sword handle tightly, readies himself for the troll onslaught, while he carefully watches if his companions are safely out of-* oups, fugued. It's your call.

The Crimson Magician

Being spontaneous is awesome.

Just, like, jumping into a whole swirl of roleplay situations.

Also, clerics, don't be shy to use force to convert people. That's always pretty awesome.


Yes... The idea that you have to organize Out-of-character for roleplay is kinda embarassing in itself.



No Mort, I don't feel it's embarrassing, not at all...the thread has served it's purpose quite nicely.  It gave me alot of insight into the mindset of some of the more active players an a couple DMs.  Oh, and thanks for pissing on my cheerios with your comment...it was a cheap shot. :)  You are a DM, people look up to you and that wasn't useful to the discussion in the least.
I'm relatively new to the whole MMORPG thing.  I'm sort of trying to get a feel for the people that play on server and the REAL expectations of how this game is played on EFU:A.  I've read the rules and expectations of 'immersion' and stuff like that and wonder if that is more of an 'ideal' than anything else.  Often times characters will stand in one spot...the receive their 'telepathy' (tells) then run off to do something.  Sometimes there is next to no IC interaction from the QA until the loot drop, then the party might come up with a weak reason to spam more quests then run off until they are out of quests to do then the party breaks up as soon as they step foot on the Zig.  Once again, I've done this too, I'm REALLY just trying to be a better player here, thats all.  

I've seen some screenshots that seem pretty impressive RP wise and read some posts on the forum of people that like RP and not so much the quest-grind.  I was just looking for anyone that:

1: Wasn't on a time constraint.

2: Was ok if they didn't hit every quest they could before each reset.

3: Was playing a mechanically poor, RP based character and was deemed as 'baggage' for some of the other quest-groups.

4: Was perhaps new to the server and wanted more RP or an RP-intensive group to adventure with. (I try and promote the crap out of EFU:A and take some time with new players leading them around and RPing as I'm sure many others also do)

I really just want to contribute to making this server great.  Thanks for all the replies. More are always welcomed.

Crod Mondoon

I may have read the OP wrong, but is it a call for more emoteing ..?
I see tons of this, ig, maybe I am just lucky and roll with an emo group, and of course, emoteing on an escaleteing scale as you walk from the zigg to quest X is always fun, but I really don't see how, when doing quests such as say... Orcs 1 you could do much more then a quick *fires arrows in rappid succession*  etc..without then emoteing how boreing the fuge is :).   I do see folks emoteing in the heart of battle, but not what was described in the OP.  Like I said, perhaps I read that OP wrong.  Now, if you use the DM PAUSE effectively, you can emote a novel in the heart of mayhem, just be ready to type 60 wpm.

+1 count


VERY true on orcs.  I guess what I had in mind was just more IC RP'd suspense in some of the more dungeon-crawl type quests where players seem to have more control of the onslaught of enemies.  It is on these quests I see most opportunities for RP... Orcs is about survival, and in all honestly, characters probably couldn't talk too much during that kind of exertion.  Hmmm...and yes...DM pause...DOES give you the ability for great RP. All you really can do is talk...never really took that into consideration. Thanks Crod.


Just don't ask for DM to pause for you to type/ emote! ;) Not that they'd comply...

Jayde Moon

Some people are simply quicker on their feet when it comes to emoting stuff, and some people type faster.

Some people aren't very good at the mechanical aspects of the game, and it's all they can do to keep from misclicking and running their rogue unstealthed into the middle of 10 Orc Berserkers, much less think about emoting in the midst of battle.

Some people really love to and take pride in creating rich imagery and immersion for their fellow players.  Some people just want to kill some monsters.

Then you simply have people of differing maturity levels and exposure to the medium as an RP tool.  Folks not RPing 'as well' simply because they haven't been doing it for very long.

As you play, you learn who is in those groups, who you're OK to play with regularly, and who you simply don't want to spend your on-line time with.

IMO, it's a fairly elitist stance to put out a call to 'RP more' or to push for more 'hardcore RP' as if those who aren't doing this are somehow robbing you of your experience.

Instead, maybe think about maintaining an open mind about what others are trying to achieve and what they want from the game and adjust yourself to them, as opposed to asking them to adjust to you.



It's embarassing for the server as it is a roleplay server. Everyone should roleplay or be in character 100% of the time and focus on creating the Awesome. That's the ideal. If it's to a point where you need to organize roleplay out-of-character, yes... It is embarassing.

That's like having a bunch of Eldathan Pacifists on a Hack and Slash server :-(

Anyway. A good trick that I used is quickslotting a lot of generic ambience emotes. An emote for each of your special ability that is based on the thematic of your character. An emote for when you crit something. And other stuff.

If i use taunt a lot, I place a few taunt emotes on the quickslot so I cycle through them.

For example, If I play a tribal bard, I usually prepare quickslot an emote for my bardsong.. Something about a warcry, or a warscream, etc.

If you want to circumvent the limit in NWN quickslot, it's quite easy. You just need to open a wordpad. Write your emote, copy it and paste it into the quickslot. That way you can quickslot long emotes, etc.


Quote from: Mort;132989If you want to circumvent the limit in NWN quickslot, it's quite easy. You just need to open a wordpad. Write your emote, copy it and paste it into the quickslot. That way you can quickslot long emotes, etc.




I haven't but glanced at the first few posts in this topic as I make my reply, but I would like to point out that I would be very much interested in this sort of thing. I'm often disappointed by the lack of immersion I feel when I get into a PUG around the Ziggurat, especially when it comes to combat. It seems like we walk to the destination, take the quest, and run through whatever area we happen to be in with little or no interaction unless someone dies. Granted, I'm sure that OOC issues could be conflicting, but it's somewhat frustrating when I try to post something before or after combat that goes to deaf ears because everyone has already run to the next mob. It sounds nit-picking, I know. But I'm somewhat anal when I roleplay and have time to engage in more immersion.

Send me an IC party invite if you end up getting together. I'd very much like to join you. I don't see this as embarrassing or anything of that sort, as some have pointed out. It's just an organized way to get a group together who can spend the time emoting and who don't mind taking breaks between battles to take the time to type out a few emotes.

~ Cylaeria


Jayde's post is pretty spot on.

I also don't think its quite as bad as you described, Zym. There will be the occasional slips in RP 'quality' when people are tired etc. but all in all, EFU is definitely the most RP intensive server on NWN-- and probably of any server on any game, I'd bet. Don't focus on perceived negatives that aren't there, but instead just try and do your best to make an interesting character and roleplay him the best you can.

Players who spend too much time considering other people and what they are/aren't doing with their characters usually become jaded in some way.


Do all the crazy shit you would like to do on EFU if you have a friendly DM and your in character >.>.