Dash's Weeaboo Life and How You Can Help!

Started by Dash, June 23, 2009, 11:08:49 PM

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As most of you are probably aware, I live in Japan and am training here in the way of the Manga or comic book! Yes folks, you read that right.

Coming up I have an assignment, which in a nutshell is, write a 16 page manga!

Now this is a tall order because its hard to tell a whole story in just 16 pages! For those of you who read manga, 16 pages is about 1 chapter's length.

I would really love to do something based around an episode of EFU, be it from the history or something PCs may have done, however, keep in mind that it can not be overly complicated and can not rely on understanding of Forgotten Realms concepts in order to be understood as a manga.

So please, if anyone has ideas of cool situations and/or screenshots of said situations, outline what happened here! If it fits, and is cool, you may find it being turned into a manga!

Bring forth the ideas!


Ken Tarron + Niessen Romance.


Please come up with some decent ideas for Dash.


Torvald crushing three an orc Swarm.

Of my halfling on an adventure!


karley sannet's kobold capers


Did someone just say weeaboo?

I have some good stories from EFU times, but I'm not sure if they're in depth enough for a manga. I'll attempt to remember to not be lazy enough and take that extra step to type them up and send them to you. :)


Adelia Tyrell's hat capers


Two words.

Tooth's Rebellion
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Hey guys! Thanks for the ideas, keep them coming, but throwing out names doesnt mean I have any idea what they are! You have to give me a little more. Here's an example:

QuoteMy character Kor Owen was part of the "Tooth" rebellion. He hated lawmen and basically just wanted anarchy to rule in Sanctuary. First what happened was we kidnapped the Sheriff and held his body hostage until our demands were met. But then, instead of meeting our demands, the lawmen from upper decided to attack us! There was a big battle and we were winning for a while! We killed many tigereyes and basically took over lower! But then there was a mass re-invasion and we ended up dying! As he was struck down by the blade of some faceless lawman his last words were "UBEL WILL NEVER DIE"

And remember 16 pages!

Think average of 6 panels per page, we're talking short story here. Give me some character info on your hero. His enemy, or what he tried to do, and then a quick overview of what happened. Keep it coming guys.


Agent Best's corruption of the good-spirited Arianna Westerling as part of her testing for the Spellguard. Absolutely awesome, and would make a fine short Manga in my opinion:


and scroll down a bit


Do a yaoi doujin about Howland and myself.

And send me a copy.


A short story about the founding of Sanctuary, a small siege on the settlement, closing with the famous beginnings of the Watch with..."I will watch this night. Who will join me?"
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706473.msg747918#msg747918]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]

The Crimson Magician

Quote from: Ommadawn;132521Agent Best's corruption of the good-spirited Arianna Westerling as part of her testing for the Spellguard. Absolutely awesome, and would make a fine short Manga in my opinion:


and scroll down a bit


This is pure genius at it's best.

Of course, it could be less graphic. >.>


The best idea for a short magna is the revealing of:

Sheriff Azzam....is Enthralled...


Considering you didn't really play till after the move, Mr late-is-better-than-never, I don't know how much this is worth, but Sanctuary had a very rich history which that of the Ziggurat does not compare to; if there's a specific event (shameless self-promoting) you're interested in we can probably work something out.