Bludgeoning and Hunter's Arrows in stacks of 99

Started by Egon the Monkey, June 22, 2009, 11:04:38 AM

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Egon the Monkey

Nobody ever collects the 1-2 of these arrows that turn up.


Tid bit arrows. Sometimes they suck. Some things though, are meant to be that way. Like sleep arrows, or arrows with chain lightning, but I do say that bludgeoning and hunter arrows are weak. Make them in stacks of 99.


Wouldn't something like stacks of 5-10 be enough? I mean, they are special arrows, not everyday 99 quiver arrows.

Drakill Tannan

Maybe i've just been unlucky, but most quests i've been to drop one stack of 10 special arrows, ocacionaly two. Doing a quest such as gnolls usually takes arround 300-400 arrows. This means you'd have to quest 35 to have enough arrows for a single quest. The ammount is too little. If 99 is too much, then perhaps amounts of 50-60 would be good.

Damn, and i promised i wasn't going to post in this archer threads again..


The bludgeoning bonus damage on any weapon does nothing, truly

Egon the Monkey

Ahem. It DOES. It beats Damage Immunity on Nightrisers and Keeper Swarms for one thing.


Quote from: Egon the Monkey;132290Ahem. It DOES. It beats Damage Immunity on Nightrisers and Keeper Swarms for one thing.

Did some testing on the effect in modules, modifying the situation spawning various monsters with various immunities and DR and found the additional damage type has absolutely no effect what so ever seemingly.


This is why I don't bother posting anything I'm positive about mechanics, people are in denial.


It's unfortunately true. If a piercing weapon has bludgeoning added to it, there really is no special effect against creatures with damage immunity: bludgeoning. This is why katanas used to suck so bad, being piercing and slashing. So long as one of the damage types on an attack is protected against, all damage from that attack will be. Essentially, extra damage types are in fact penalties and not bonuses.


Wow, that's really crappy. Extra damage types just makes your weapon give MORE monsters immunities against your weapon?

Does it work the same way with just resistances? Like half damage vs slashing on a slashing/piercing weapon.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


I agree that some of these arrows could use larger stacks, the offset being maybe with less frequency of dropping. It's just unusable for arrows to come in ones and twos, unless they're OnHit spells of some kind of course.

Egon the Monkey

That is wierd. I always thought Morningstars bust Nightriser DI. ignore me XD.