Perk Suggestion:

Started by Mort, June 19, 2009, 09:52:15 PM

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Hey, well although perks and skills would be nice but also lets have some story running and some class/race only stuff you know? For me I'd have to say a correct amount is 30.

10 are race only.

10 are class only.

10 are any person.


I'm not sure what you are talking about, man. But I just want people to give ideas about possible perks they thought would be interesting.

Let's just keep that the focus of the thread.


He means like there would be 30 "Perks" total. 10 of them would be race specific, 10 would be of class specific, and 10 would be available to anybody.


Spirit Talk-You have spent a great amount of time in the Spirit Commune. You can talk to the spirits there.

Iron Lungs-Living on an island, you have spent a great amount of time swimming in the waters. You are capable of holding your breath longer. You get an item that functions like bubbleberries. You can use it as many times as you want, but only you can use the item.

Desert Nomad-Spending a great amount of time in the Ymphian Desert, you became used to the immense heat of the burning sun. +2 saves against fire or 1/day endure elements

Blight Walker-Due to a deep fascination with the Isle of Blight, and time spend there researching, you are no longer damaged by the negative energies of the isle.

Vampire Hunter-You hunt the vampires of Ymph. You have learned, but only for a short time, to protect yourself from their life draining abilities. 1/day Negative Energy Protection.

Frozen Blood-You have lived in the high frozen mountains of Ymph. You are not damaged by the cold in the Frozen Mountain areas.

Rot Fortitude-You were once infected by the Rot, but through sheer strength, you survived. +2 saves against disease. +1 AB against Shambling Mounds.


Greatly approve of the "No damage from area" feats.

Could create some interesting situations and perks.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Half drowned- You drown often. So you take half the dmg you would normally!


Lycanthrope Hunter: Any attack you make against a lycanthrope is made as if you were using a +1 weapon. Your fanatacism for destroying lycanthropes as made you slightly mad however, and more susceptible to mind affecting spells. -2 Saves vs Mind Effects.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


idiot incorporated
you work for the illustrious idiot incorporated company, obviously taking the traits of a usual employee but becoming a more well rounded business man
-2 intelligence, +2 appraise, +1 persuade

Egon the Monkey

Drakill's mage perk sugestions are excellent. Although, I find a big problem for offense mages is that saves are dead easy to acquire, but DC is a bugger to get hold of.

So, a few suggestions. Yes, they are powerful, but bear in mind they are defensive and offensive buffs to wizards and sorcs designed to reward players who don't just buff then invis.

Focused to Firepower
You have concentrated on the offensive nature of magic over dull enhancements. Your spells are more difficult to evade, but your enhancements don't have much staying power.
-1 CL duration on buffs, +1 DC to all spells.

Ignore Distractions
Your long experience of being burned, zapped, drained and exploded during experiments has made you more resilient to pain and able to shrug off minor injuries. It does make you less adept at fine working though.
Gain EfU Barbarian Damage Immunity, requires Toughness. -5 Spellcraft.
Yes, it's pretty strong at first glance, but as a mage you don't have the HP pool for immunity to be really useful by weakening blows.

"Eat hot Weave, Nightrisers!"
Your in depth research into the undead and bizarrely spell resistant creatures of Ymph has given you an aptitude for getting your blasts past their defenses.
Gain Spell Penetration. Requires 8 Lore.

"Robes Are for Wusses"
After being riddles with arrows, dispelled, and generally annoyed by men with pointed sticks, you have come to the following conclusion. Real Mages Wear Leather.
Gain Automatic Still Spell I, Requires Still Spell

You have trained to resist the tricks of battle.
+10 Discipline, Requires 2 Discipline ranks. The bonus vanishes if you take a class that has Discipline as a class skill.
Stops Knockdown from being such a guaranteed Win Button on a non-discipline PC.

Breakfast of Champions
You can take a break to replenish spells anywhere. So long as you've got your snacks.
Able to rest anywhere, just like a Ranger, so long as you have food in the inventory. One food item is always consumed on rest.Could be a tool that destroys a Ration item to give you the Ranger rest bonus for 5 min.

Chill out, relax. More than usual. All the time. You lazy bastard.
You can rest every 20 minutes.

The Crimson Magician

The Beggar's Nap
You're such a bum, you can sleep anywhere.
You can rest anywhere.


Traits that just give Feats are pointless. Just take the feat.

I really like this suggestion though! The more customization, the better!

Drakill Tannan

Inquisitor (Paladin only)
Some people take the law too seriously, a past of iron fist proclaiming your god's law has made you feared throughout Ymph.
Effect: Once a day, as a spell-like ability you can summon an aura that affect evil & caothic creatures. Faling a will saving throw against a DC of 10 + charisma modifier they will be shaken for 2d3 rounds.

Intimidate (any)
An ugly face, a fearsome howl, whatever it might be you are talented in making people piss on their pants, and you use this ability in the abttlefield.
Effect: An ability similar to taunt, that reduces AB rather than AC. Check being the same.

Weakling portaier (Rogues & Assasins)
No worse mistake than underestimating your foes, and you know this. As such, you make sure everyone underestimate you, giving you the chance of stabbing them in the back.
Effect: Whenever you engage combat with somone, it makes a concentration check against your bluff skill, if it fails you get an automatic sneak attack against it.

Fake intimidate (Any)
Although not really as fearsome, good acting can make you look defently bigger, more dangerous and more deadly.
Effect: Whenever you engage combat with somone, it makes a concentration check agaisnt your bluff skill, or gains -2 AB +1 AC representing it being carefull of you. Lasts for 1d4 rounds +charimsa modifier, also +1 round for each 5 ranks in perform.

Filthy (any)
Spending your life either in the sewers the bogs or anywhere unplesantly filhty, you've become one with it.
Effect: -2 Charisma, +2 saving throws against disease whenever you hit someone, it makes a saving throw or becomes diseased.

Command (Any)
You are a natural leader, born to lead, not to follow. Your talents allow you to inspire and command the warriors in the battlefield.
Effect: An ability similar to bard song, wich grants allies a +4 on initiave chekcs, +10% movement speed and +1 attack and damage for 1 round +twice your charisma modifier. once/day per 3 caster levels.

Speedster (any)
You're fast. Perhaps, a bit too fast.
Effect: +10% speed movement bonus, +2 initiative checks, automatically gets an Attack of oportunity every time it engages combat.

Fighting stance: Passive (Fighter, paladin & monk? Only classes that had any kind of combat training)
Best way to fight: wait for the right moment, strike when it comes.
Effect: Character can activate this mode at anytime as a toggle/untoggle command. Gains +3 AB and +1d4 damage but loses any aditional attacks per round when on melee weapons (Only toggleable when the character has 2 or mroe attacks per round)

Fighting stance: Agresive (Same as above)
Best defence: offence. Best offence OFENCE.
Effect: toggled same as above, gain an aditional attack per round, but -2 AC & -2 Damage.

One shot (Fighters and Rangers?)
One shot is all you need, no more, no less. Rather striking a perfect strike, than 3 lame strikes.
Effect: Losses all attacks per round including thouse by rapid shot, gain +5 AB and + 2d6 damage  when using a bow. If posible, that it may be able to pierce DR wold be nice too.. (Bows, crossbows & slings)

Hail of arrows (Fighters and rangers?)
Whoever said one shot was enough was an idiot. When multiple enemies come, you need like a thousand shots.
Effect: Gain an aditional attack per round when using a bow, crossbow or sling, -2 Damage to all arrows. (-1 to slings or it makes them do 0 damage)

EDIT: I was reading the stealth suggestion thread, wich got closed before i could post, so i thought of a few things that might help stealthers because, while you should be spotted if you are walking in board daylight, even on a dark noisy caves, if you stand there, hiding trying to spy on somone, it is a matter of time untill someone gets a 20 on his roll and detects you unless your hide/mv is 20 over his. was going to post in that thread some ideas to fix this but hey, maybe perks can help?

Hide in Plain sight (Any)
Effect: While standing still, may enter a "hide in plain sight" mode (not as the feat wich is banned for pc anyway?) that allows you to, while remaining still, to gain +15 Hide/Move silently. Deactivates when you begin to move or make a combat action.

This way, you only need to be 5 ranks above their spot/listen to evesdrop safetly. I think, if 20 is automatical succes that should be removed. You'd still need not to be detected wghen you reach the actual spying spot.

Hide amongs the crowds (any)
Effect: Gain +1 Hide/Move silently for every PC or non-mounstrous humanoid NPC in a "X" radious. Add to your Hide/Move silently skills +1 for each point in your bluff skill when surrounded by many PCs/Non-mounstrous humanoid npcs. I'm thinking 6, maybe more. gotta be crowds after all.


Real Dungeons and Dragons Avatar:

Does not need a perk like in the game 'Fallout' mostly because this game is based on dungeons and dragons in the setting of Toril, Faerun.  Unlike most characters this one remains true to the same character system to be played in this type of game and does not try and become another game avatar.  Staying true to form, this character recieves no bonuses or anything silly like extra 'perks'.


See I personally am really in favour of perks that enhances skills your pc cant normall have. Diplomacy.

Defendants Plea: 1/day raise your persuade skill by 10 for rounds equal to character level.

Illusionists Trickery: 1/day raise your Bluff skill by 10 for rounds equal to character level.

Savage's Growl: 1/day raise your intimidate by 10 for rounds equal to character level.

Stone Stance: 1/day raise your discipline by 10 for rounds equal to character level. (mages, sorcs only)


Quote from: putrid_plum;132696Real Dungeons and Dragons Avatar:

Does not need a perk like in the game 'Fallout' mostly because this game is based on dungeons and dragons in the setting of Toril, Faerun.  Unlike most characters this one remains true to the same character system to be played in this type of game and does not try and become another game avatar.  Staying true to form, this character recieves no bonuses or anything silly like extra 'perks'.

There are 'perks', called 'traits' in D&D 3rd, unearthed arcana suplement, of course they are optional.
Check it out. It also can give you guys ideas to adapt some of these.