Please stop closing my threads

Started by scribjellydonut, June 19, 2009, 07:49:27 AM

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At the risk of being temp or perma banned by exercising the controversial right that is free speach, let me say that I am tired and annoyed of my threads being closed prematurely.  I have !NEVER! before in my life (and PLEASE note that I have posted in the forums of in some very controversial threads as a former member of the armed force of the United States of America) posted in a forum that closes your threads so densely and intolerantly as these.  If a thread is meant to wither and die it will do so, without the help of a moderator forcably closing it.  If it is not you doing so Howland - as I suspect it is not - please get a reign on your forum moderators to fix the problem.



Freedom of speech is a right in the United States. The internet is not the United States. EfU:A is not a government office that must uphold that right; it is a privately-owned server. As such, at the risk of being awesome, you have no right to free speech.

Further, you keep harping on this same completely unnecessary point. When a DM closes your thread, you leave it closed. What you're doing just isn't done, man.

And don't even get me started on "I'm in the army." Nobody cares if you're in the army, or what forums you post on. They have a name for people who do that and it's Centurion.

Before this thread is also closed I just wanna say, Chill out. Jesus.


[size="8"][color="red"]SEMPER FI



No I'm not saying EFU:A is a government or should advertise the rights of such, all I am saying by that part of the post (and I'll have you know and you can ask my girlfriend that I don't very often try to brag or point out that I was in the Army, since I'm an EXTREMELY humble individual - born and raised as such) is that the moderators of this forum seem more close-minded or intolerant than even those of the military forums. I simply sought to draw a parallel to those of miliary mind - and in their case they at least have a reason to be so.
Oh and BTW since you seem either ex-military yourself or full-of-shit, I'll let you know I was a 25U in direct service to an infantry company that was cross attached to a separate Brigade.


Stay cool man.

Stay cool.

You are harshing my mellow.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


The forums are moderated exclusively by the DM team.

The topic was put to rest, because all that needed to be said was said, and if the conversation continued, there would have only been bad feelings, as insults began to fly.

The moderation was pretty clearly done to maintain some sense of civility, because this isn't the sort of place where aspersions about other peoples' character are openly cast about. Please, for your own sake and others', let the issue drop.


Freedom of speech on the intarwebz cute. Sorry but this thread is silly, pointless and bound for a lock!


LTS finally wrote a good post.


Quote from: scribjellydonut;131757you can ask my girlfriend

I was in the Army

I'm an EXTREMELY humble individual - born and raised

I'll let you know I was a 25U in


to an infantry company that was cross attached to a separate Brigade.

Look, I'll make you a deal if your girlfriend comes onto the forums and confirms that you're an EXTREMELY humble individual and you were also in the army then we'll stop closing your threads. Okay?



I want a girlfriend.

The Wind-Up Bird

I'm gettin' in on this before it gets locked up.


me too.
oh - wait...


I for one take issue with you clamping down on free speech, Secunazi.

Fight the power.
i walked one morning to the fair


I think someone's forum priviledges are about to get removed.


Since I didn't post in your last forum post and it somehow offended you because I locked it, i have prepared you a special gift.

[size=8] A giant post to show how important you are to us and how much you shake our foundation to the very core.[/b][/size]

Free speech is a beautiful thing. You're quite free to say what you want, do what you want, and act how you want.

Beauty is so can I. I'll admit I closed your last forum. Why? Because you made some points, howl made some points, and then you said "I agree".

That sounds like an agreement and an end of a post. So I closed it before the peanut gallery could weigh in, and our local douchebags like Lovethesuit got a hold of the free space to attention whore. (Though to be completely honest he did raise some valid points)

However, freedom of speech dictates I'm quite free to speak how I wish and as a moderator of an internet forum I have this swanky little thing called a "Close button". I didn't create the forum process but I am told it has been around for a long time

When man first emerged from the wilds he was an untamed, unshaven, and hairy beast. With club in hand he marauded the wilds hunting and conflicting with his fellow man.

The internet has taken us back to that (If you don't believe me, see a picture of Ninelives). In the swirling tempest of neanderthals that inhabit the internet we've got EFU.

Except its a place for a videogame. Not a riveting political discussion. Any time you want to have one of those you're free to PM me or find me in IRC. Anyone on the team will tell you I enjoy those kinds of discussions as yes, quite frankly, I am a political science guy.

So yeah.

I closed your thread. Because it was -done-.

I would have closed this one too because it isn't something to be discussed in the general discussion forums of a videogame server. If you've got a problem with how things are run and handled you're welcome to address anyone of us in private.

Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing.

QuoteAt the risk of being temp or perma banned by exercising the controversial right that is free speach,

I wouldn't ban you for it. But you're not having your sweet sweet rights stepped upon.

Quote from: "Some pretty smart dudes aka Congressional Congress"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Congress shall make no law. It says nothing about internet forums.

This forum is purposely designed for a videogame we all play and enjoy. People from around the four corners of the globe (Yes, I love that saying and understand the irony since globes have no corners).

Freedom of speech allows you to say  as you wish, but freedom of peaceful assembly (Also mentioned in that sweet, sensuous first amendment) allows us to hold and gather a number of individuals for a number of reasons. Those reasons may be personal or public. Those reasons may not be discriminatory based upon race, gender, creed, et al, but there is one thing the constitution doesn't protect.


We're quite free to discriminate based upon that notion, and you good sir, fit that acceptable demographic.

The internet is a large and varied place. If you distaste the current situation you find yourself in the freedom of assembly also allows -you- to construct and build your own PW for NWN where you may craft it to be how ever you see fit.

Then you're free to assemble a team of DMs to assist you. Then you're free to assemble a forum. Then you're free to say what ever it is you wish upon it.

Freedom of speech does exactly allow you to speak what you wish, when you wish it, how you wish it. There are however as all things in life extenuating circumstances.

You cannot yell "FIRE" for instance in a public place without risk of fine and other trouble for a number of legal reasons (Fraud, disturbing the peace, etc).

So to re-cap.

Yes, I have infringed upon your freedom of speech. And while frivolous as it sounds its difficult to maintain a semblance of peace within this community without self-absorbed individuals attempting to "Shake the foundation of our principles to the very core".

Fact of the matter is you drew ire because you're a condescending jackass (See Jackass clause of constitutional discussion above)

At the risk of sounding repetitive, you're welcome to say and do as you wish.

If your rights feel so grievously stepped upon and this comically-overt explanation does not satisfy you, you have two options.

1) Chill the hell out and accept the fact that while you do have many privileges offered by the American government if you are a citizen, EFU is a private non-profit enterprise. Truth be told I imagine it could almost be seen as a tax-write-off for howland as he is allowing many unstable and unsocial individuals to come together for a good time. It could very well be seen as a nerd-halfway-house as he is a majority source of the funding for this sweet sweet server. That sounds like damn fine charity work and public service to me in this new age of technology and social anxiety problems

1 sub-point A) Its the internet dude. While it may be serious business to some (You, it would appear), to some of us its fun (Me). If you want to have rampant free speech discussions, as I said previously I enjoy it thoroughly (As me spending the last half hour laughing my ass off and writing this proves) you're welcome to seek me out. This isn't the place to do it.

1 sub-point 2) Dude. Seriously? Take the intensity level down. Go out with your girlfriend and see a funny movie. Take a trip to the country and get remarkably drunk in the fresh air and relax. Life is too short to get so worked up over little shit.

Or you can-

2) Go? We're not holding you at gun-point to hang out with us. If you're dissatisfied you're more than free to find another server to enjoy or as said in the public assembly discussion, form your own.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips