Universally stacking potions?

Started by Vlaid, June 14, 2009, 12:10:22 PM

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Would it be possible to script some kind of OOC tool that you use on any potion in your inventory, which eats the potion, and replace it with another of the same type....which would have the effect of making all your potions of each type stackable, instead of having 6 different stacks of one type of potion, with 2-3 potions in each stack?

Just wondered if this was even mechanically possible!

Failing that, some kind of NPC that could do it as an OOC courtesy?
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706473.msg747918#msg747918]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


This would be great, I am sick of potions which should stack eating up my inventory space, if it is even possible that is.


This would involve a lot of work, which I'm not sure would even be successful. There's a reason the potions aren't stacking in the first place, and it's because the potions can't be equated in any meaningful way (as far as the engine is concerned).

As a human being, you can see that two potions of Eagles' Splendor are the same, but as far as NWN is concerned, they have different base types, resrefs, and properties. A single similarity between any one or two of those is not enough to merge them, because there may be two items that share two similarities but that one difference makes it a completely different item in its own right (one that shouldn't be merged). If they share all identifiable properties then they should be stacking already.


Nevermind - Just going to deal with it :P


It would also make fingering poisoned potions a tad too easy.


It's the price to pay for flavored items: doing the same effect, but having different names and thus tags not to stack. Leave as is, imo.

Besides, quicklsots make things easier, but they do tend to make drinking 30 potions too easy. I mean, who carries 12*3 stacks of 10 potions/consumables in easily accessible belts all the time?

I  enjoy having to rumage through my packs in the middle of a fight when all my quickslots have been emptied, because it's so much more stressful!


Fingering poisoned potions is already too easy, Mort. I've even heard of people trying to ask if stuff was poisoned (To PCs and DMs) simply because it wouldn't stack.

Btw, this should be possible by running a (very easy) check to compare spell effects on the item and names.

If the names/effects are both the same, it deletes them both, creates the sum of the two, and marks the new potions stolen.

If the potion(s) are poisoned the script will fail.