Specialist ammunition vendor

Started by TheImpossibleDream, June 11, 2009, 08:59:01 PM

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It would be nice if there were some +1 damage ammo's sold at reasonable rates from certain npcs. Perhaps also some expensive variants of ranged weapons. I see there are plenty of "interesting" weapons and armors available from a variety of sources.

It would be preferred if this "ammunition" shop was incredibly "cheap" by the nwn standards, thusly nothing else should be bought or sold from this store.

It would be nice if the prices were scaled in such a way as you could get +1 damage ammo for say 25-50 gold per stack of 99 and +1d4 ammo for 250 gold per stack and perhaps even 1d6 damage for 500 gold per stack.

If this can't be done via the normal vendor system what about speaking to an NPC and selecting the stack type and damage bonus you want and paying the amount asked.

It would also be nice if some mobs dropped "Sealed Ancient Quiver" a "use" item that generates a stack of random arrows from all of the arrows that can drop on efu.

Anyway feel free to shoot this down! Puns ftw.

Luke Danger

I'm in support of this, archers are nerfed enough by standard D&D as it is!

Egon the Monkey

Aw, stop whining and just go and take a trip to Old Port and buy some special ammo off the trap shop, it's only 50k gold. Or those 15% chance of Sleep ammo types from the Dreamers. For 1000.  :P

So, yeah. Agreeing. However, there IS ammo about with Wounding and +1d4 elemental dmg. Sadly it only drops on one, tough quest and is rather rare. I think stuff like that should be maybe 200 a stack, and also drop on 4-9 quests.

The sort of thing that you want to hoard for PVP or spice, not use as a matter of course.


I remember the blue mushroom inn used to sell +1 electricity dmg arrows, +1 fire dmg arrows....

Drakill Tannan

I support the suggestion. But if implemented i ask people not to forghet about bullets/bolts as well as arrows.

If posible, i'd like to ask an arrow that could somehow pierce DR. I'm thinking, by replacing phisical damage with magical damage. But this might require scripting.

Off-topic: How exactly does wounding works? i belive in the OC it worked by dealing 1 damage each round, but last time i saw it it did more, can't remember how much though.


I don't agree with the 1d6 ones as, with various feats (rapid shot etc) and true strike/cats grace potions etc. you could kill someone easily, cheaply with 0% risk, from half way across a screen.
The +1 damage ones would be fine though. Maybe even the 1d4 for +1000 maybe.


Quote from: artfuldodger99;130850I don't agree with the 1d6 ones as, with various feats (rapid shot etc) and true strike/cats grace potions etc. you could kill someone easily, cheaply with 0% risk, from half way across a screen.
The +1 damage ones would be fine though. Maybe even the 1d4 for +1000 maybe.

Hi, my name's elemental shield, available from charges from plenty of loot items, potions, and also from spells.
I'm for the suggestion, but I really don't even see it making much of a difference


If people are regularly finding plenty of loot with charges of Elemental Shield then i have been missing out!
Back on topic, 1d8 +1d6 from range is unbalanced imo. +1 or +2 seems plenty enough, if such a trader was implemented.

Egon the Monkey

I think he means Insulation. And to spam that many TS pots would be ridiculous. I mean I could see it being nasty with TS/Called Shot (leg)/Rapidshot, but the only way to get around Blur halving the dmg would be using a specific shortbow against *some* playerraces, use that -AC Mighty longbow and hope for good rolls, or use a +1 AB crossbow that's rare and can't be rapidshot.

IMO, ranged PCs being scary as hell using rare or pricey ammo is like a melee PC being scary as hell using a Flame wep device and potions.

As I said, +1d4 ammo exists, but rare. Having it fairly expensive as a reserve bit of kit like melee PCs use Displacement potions seems the way to go IMO.


Ya I basically meant Endure Elements, Resist Elements, or Protection from Elements, who woulda thought they'd have one called Elemental Shield that does something entirely different from the other three... who thinks of these names?!:-P
Honestly I don't know why they didn't just make one first level spell and have it resist a certain amount of elemental damage per level of the caster
So no - no I have not been finding potions of Elemental Shield, although it wouldn't be too much worse than the hundreds of death armor potions I've seen in loot.
But back on topic, I'm still in support of this

Drakill Tannan

atrfuldodger99: You mentiond ways to decrese AC and AB on the enemy, and incresing the AB of ranged weapon users. Your average respectable enemy has arround 50HP, assuming a fighter archer with weapon specialisation and a +2 mighty bow you would be doing about 8 damage per shot, if all three shots were to hit that makes 24 damage, so in two rounds you might kill it if you are lucky, but most times it will take 3 rounds to take down 1 enemy if all your attacks hit. 18 seconds is more than enough for it to reach you, and more likely than not, won't be alone.

Also take into account ranged weapons can't get the damage bonus from flame weapon nor magic weapon. And asides from arrow damage only mighty can increse the damage, but even then most archer PCs will not be able to add +2 or +3 to damage, not unbuffed. And no one wants to buff the archers.

I'd say, +1 arrows, +2 arrows and +1d4 arrows for sale at 50-60gp, 100-110gp and 250-300gp respectrively.

Because, 1k gold for +1d4 arrows!?
Is there a secret tequinique like alchemy or herbalism that allows you to spawn gold out of nowhere? Because people keep suggesting insane prices for everything.

It's not resoanble, +1d4 for 1000 gold makes 10 per arrow, assuming you would always roll 4 in the extra damage it would still be more than 2gp for each extra damage point dealt. -IF- it hits.

I might pay that price for +1d6 arrows with wounding damage.

Egon the Monkey

Flame Weapon Scroll costs 100, lasts for 3 minutes. So, 3 minutes' worth of +1d4 Fire Damage arrows should by the same token cost 100 gold for 3 min worth multiplied up by a premium for being class unrestricted.
Assuming 3 attacks a round rapidshooting, that's 30 arrows a minute So, for a stack of 99 arrows with +1d4 Fire Damage, 250 gold seems good.

Doing the same maths with alch fire, you get 4 rounds of 1d4 Fire for 30 gold (and you can make it too, so even cheaper potentially). so cost per attack assuming a normal Fighter with 2 attacks is:
3.75*99 = 371

So, whatever you use to figure out how much to charge, 300 gold a stack seems about fair, as it's the only way to add extra damage to arrows. It should be in the cheaper end of the range if added due to the fact you can't have a buffbot do it and you have to pay for supplies. But, not too cheap, as there's no time limit on the flame. So, 300.

Set things up with buyable and droppable good ammo, and you've got ranged PCs being very useful, but paying to do so. The same as a melee PC buying potions and hoarding them off quests.

Add affordable bonus damage ammo to complement the new and useful bows that are turning up, and we'll see people actively wanting shooters along more.

Drakill Tannan

Actually, since you put it that way egon, i'd say they should be cheaper, a level 3 flame weapon grants 1d4 + 3 fire damage to a weapon, effecively making it twice the effect that you descrived. Flame arrows would have only 1d4 damage without that +3. 250 i say.

Oskar Maxon

Doesn't this discussion come up something like every two months or so?

Crod Mondoon

Selfishly agrees with this, reserveing the right to disagree when i go back to melee character!

(+1 count, yay!)