One Best Thing

Started by Sternhund, June 10, 2009, 11:24:32 AM

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In the same vein as the "One Feature" post, I'd like to ask:

What is your favorite feature or aspect of EFUA?

For me it's definitely the community and playerbase. While running plots from the DM side, it's not uncommon for the players to think of options I hadn't considered, or even outsmart me outright in my plots. I feel I learn something from every plot or major event I run, and it adds to the challenge and value of the DM experience. I notice similar virtues while on the player client.


Guild/Banner system.


I love the herbalism and alchemy system. I don't even have a "Nature" PC at the moment, but from the little I've seen of it, it's very cool.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]

Egon the Monkey

You don't need a Nature PC for those systems, but it helps if you know one to get the stuff for you :D.

For me, the little things. Small placeables like the Grunt's Diary in coral that just reads "DUUUHHHHHRR....", the pitfalls in the wild that port you to tunnels, bir nests, combat log descriptive messages. Stuff that makes the server feel like a world, not just a battleground.

Nuclear Catastrophe

You know what my favorite feature is?
The loot drop system.
I wubbz0r it.
Kill a badger, pick up its GUTS
Kill a fighter, pick up his rusty notched greatsword.
Woo yea.

That and the programmable spellguard animatrons that got used twice, but Arkov worked on for weeks.

What a guy.

He is sorely missed here (he was such a nice guy too x), but I suppose it's to the worlds benefit that he works on renewable energy sources and giant-army-robots than the FAMILIARS AND SUMMONS SYSTEM.

Nuclear Catastrophe

Oh err and in case Howland asks, it's not that stuff, but the community and friendship aspect I love.  I swear.  Honestly.  It's the truth goddammit. >_> <_< yes, not the giant golems of death.  I love all the people that play here and how they toil ever harder to get those levels simply so they can feel an inch taller at work.  "What's that boss?  Get you a coffee?  Suuuure.  (God I am glad that I have my level 10 cleric of bane to fall back on.  That reminds me, gotta slaughter those annoying little Tormites tonight...)


I do actually like the noble/common setting, with patricians and the colony being under a powerful house's hand. It gives variety, and it has a lot room to play with.


the consistency of the game world i honestly find the most immersive i have ever played in by a mile. probably why i have stay so long.

Drakill Tannan

Challenge. It's not ninja gaiden, but it's pretty entretaining.


The creative DMs.

I love the stuff they throw at us.


The ability to impact the world in big and small ways.

Lux Lucis

I have to say that the community is what I like the most of EFU:A. Plus, the fact that players can work on things in-game to reach a greater level of impact on the server as a whole.


Antagonizing the DMs.


Community, both players and DM's.  I'd say my favorite moments in playing are when you have a real good natured group of players (OOC'ly I mean) doing a really exciting quest, no BS, help each other out, great RP, good story.  That's my favorite time to play and that has everything to do with the people.

Jayde Moon

Simplicity of how it's run, from infrastructure to IC.  I can cruise into EfU:A and have a good time with no stress.

That's what a hobby should be.  Fun and more fun.  EfU:A provides that.