Knight of the Numinous Order

Started by Sphagnum, May 30, 2009, 09:25:13 AM

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Life wraps up for the final "original" Numinous Order PC. It's been alot of fun, and thanks to all the DMs and PCs that were involved one way or another. I'd list them all, but it's a very long list!
Unfortunatly I don't have a lot of screenshots, but here's an extract from the life of a Footman.


The Animal Companion. (Awwww)

At the Forward Camp. (Sewell could never quite get over the ugly helmets)

Hanging out with the other girls (And a rat?)

Gearing up for the final battle.

Dealing with politics. (If you can't read it, it's a dartboard with a picture of Proverson)

Doing Crusade stuff.

Handling a plague. (By locking up all the sick people in one building and killing those who tried to escape)

Showing off her new rank.

Meeting a giant, and greeting it Kassarack's style.

Crusading in the Bogs.

Meeting one of Vladislask' old friends.

Exploring the island.

Jayde Moon

It certainly was good times, wasn't it?


A very interesting character all-around. Well played!

Listen in Silence


A well played and great character. And I think she outlived a dozen of my characters.


Fantastically played, miss.

Oskar Maxon

Wonderful character to have around.





A fine adversary.  Loved to hate her.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Very nicely done, her and Dughlas had many plotting sessions.  Glad that they could go down fighting at the same time.


Awesome character, good times were had by all involved with her.


I very much enjoyed my interactions with your character. Literally from friends to enemies it was all fun.


Ice queen to the core.