Lower cost of crafted wands

Started by Drakill Tannan, May 28, 2009, 04:14:26 PM

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FRICKEN GLITCHEN comes to mind

Drakill Tannan

I.. er..

Well after the restart i checked it again. 1080 gold, as you had said, ought to have been a bug, i and another player OOC confirmed it!


..sorry. 1080 is pretty fair.


What may be a bug is that the cost of actual crafting differs from what the crafting scepters says.

Professor Death

The price of potions a lot of folks are seeming to forget, needs to include the cost of the bottles - so you need to add at least 5 gold to every potion's cost!  Yes, the wand is generally the way to go IF you can afford it.  With that said, I've never crafted a wand for myself higher than first level becuase it's just too costly - I don't have the coin.  when people think my mages are rolling in the coin because I'm spamming potions for sale atop the zig, it really isn't the case.  ONCE I had a character with like 2000 gold on him as a result of a REALLY good day - and that was once in the life of the character.  And not all that 2000 was profit from that day, either!  And yet, I've heard other merchant characters tell me they can turn upwards of 6000 in a day.  Big difference!

Drakill Tannan

Mastiand (gragdog) webber once died while we ewre doing orcs two, i checked his pack, he had like 5000 gold and tons of potions and magic items, plus he had just donated to be patrician. It eludes me how did he get that mcuh gold.

And yes, bottles cost too. I generally gain about 15gp per potion due to that.


Pretty sure this has come up before and the DMs have put all the mechanics into careful consideration for balance. I don't think it's desireable for every PC to be able to afford every wand, they're meant to be something to save up for.


I think the cost of wands should be increased dramatically.


If anything, potions should be lowered to be in line with wands, as wands already have the advantage of being usable on others, and not provoking AoO.

Wand prices are already pretty great if you're a wand user.
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