Let met tell you about Clarice Nemetski

Started by Caster13, May 21, 2009, 06:10:00 PM

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Clarice Nemetski started out as a group concept with Ebok and Kotenku. The idea: a team of badasses who weren't afraid to make enemies... by beating them down in public. Unfortunately, due to my inability to play in-your-face-punk! characters like that and because of Ebok's departure, that didn't really pan out completely as I had expected it would.

But it still turned out really fun and interesting all the same.

Clarice and the Church of the Veil hailed from Damara; the Damaran outlook on unflinching opposition to evil and a strong black-and-white morale outlook was (supposed to be, sometimes I worried I wasn't quite successful) a strong basis for Clarice's character.

So? Who was this badass going to be? I didn't really know at first. Lately, however, I've been getting a lot of my portraits from anime/manga and so I did a little browsing around until I came across a few images from Claymore.

Perfect. What says badass more than a pretty girl in armour and armed with a massive sword? Nothing, really. Grey, I thought, was also a perfect colour. It's the colour of the Fugue, and it's also a mix of black and white; death and life. Gray is the transition between just as the souls of mortals travel from the Realms to the Fugue to beyond.

Clarice always put up a strong face. She knew what was right and wrong and wasn't afraid to say so. But she had her weaknesses and her vulnerabilities. But they were the sort of thing that needed a very special kind of person to get to however.

When she was a young child, Clarice's village was struck by a plague that turned the dead into undead. She was forced to watch her mother and father die. Then get back up again in an attempt to eat her. Using nothing more than a shovel and a nearby firepit, she sent her parents back to death.

Priests of Kelemvor arrived after the incident, too late to safe the village, where Clarice went after that should be fairly easy to guess.

The early trauma and life in the clergy, however, was a cold one lacking intimacy, emotions, and love. Seeing lovers and couples (e.g. Asdon and Jawl, Baden and Sewell maybe?) interact made her uncomfortable inside; she didn't know whether she ought to feel jealous cheated out of a certain part of life or what. She flat out ignored anyone who showed any interest in her genuine or otherwise. If she ever felt it, she didn't know what it was.

But let's move on...

Team Kelemvor out for a night walk.

Team Lathander. Obvious allies of Kelemvor and the Church of the Veil.

Vlad. Admired and seen as an honest, good ally in the fight against undead. It was a shame what happened to him but Clarice still defended him after his death when need be.

The Order. Another obvious ally.

Unfortunately, politics was a frustrating conundrum for Clarice and even though Clarice worked with the Order often, she had to keep a distance in case things got ugly with the Colony factions.

Sewell was one of the first Ordermen that Clarice got to know very well and greatly enjoyed the company of a fellow Crusader-girl.

For a bit of time, I experimented with using a scythe for both look and combat. Neat over all: nasty crits. But I still preferred the balance of a good sword and shield.

Clarice found some nasty, scary, horrible things on Ymph. And not all of them undead. This rare and unique artifact is compliments of the newly appointed DM RwG.

Armsman Raillie trying to pull Clarice into things she was just not going to take.

Proverson... Oh, what could Clarice think of Proverson? Clarice hated politics and politicians. It was just another thing that got in the way of the Crusade and undead bashing. But whether she liked it or not, she knew the benefit of working with those in charge. How long she'd manage to keep her cool doing so was another matter. I've imagined many a scenes where Clarice gets fed up and simply rips Proverson a new one.

Clarice also hates bureaucrats and bureaucracies.

Clarice in an outdated battle regale. She managed to get herself a much prettier faithful's cloak after this screenshot.

Dealing with evil aligned people made things sort of difficult considering her buddy paladin Carius Carteius. As a cleric herself, however, she does feel the occasional compunction to reach out and see if she could influence anyone away from it.

Clarice's man bitches.

Upon meeting one another, Jawl and Clarice were quick to bitch about them bleeding-heart-necromancers.

Clarice admired Jawl for many reasons but specifically for her lack of hesitation to act when she feels and knows that she's right.

Fixing up the mausoleum was high priority for Clarice. Here she manages to get Izarious Patten, everyone's favourite mausoleum caretaker from Sanctuary to help out. And hopefully, a few more of the things she worked towards will be completed post-mortem!

Clarice had resigned herself to a life of servitude and work; violence and death. She considered it self-sacrifice and expected happiness and joy to be something experienced by others but not herself.

Not once, during her entire time on the server, did I ever emote her smiling or laughing...

Juni's such a crazy halfling.

Patrolling the cemetery outside the Colony walls.

Lovitarians. Eh... Clarice never thought Loviatar's dogma anything more than a queer fetish, but she definitely didn't take a liking to Team Loviatar at first. Eventually, however, a sort of love-hate tolerate-hate relationship was formed but it was always on shaky ground with Carlia who Clarice wouldn't hesitate to smack across the face if given the reason and opportunity.

A trip into the Veil with some fellow adventurers.

During some of fire chaos that occurred in the Bogs, Clarice got snagged by vines and dragged below. The mysterious Brekan shows himself.

So, what was it that got Clarice killed? A boy... Well, okay, that's a little spiteful. Hearing word that a boy was being attacked by a nightriser in the sewers, Clarice naturally went to the rescue. The boy, on the other hand, didn't want to be rescued and ran off like an idiot looking to get killed. Eventually, the boy squirreled himself into an isolated room in the sewers but it was filled with ooze. The boy lives on (I think...) but Clarice falls near the very end of the pitch battle.

Clarice won't be returning from the Fugue this time.

And so, I think Clarice died a fitting death: a result of recklessness and apathy on a part of the ones she's always trying to defend.

Oh, and Bring Out Your Dead.


A fantastic PC, Casteroni. I am glad to have interacted with you as much as I did, as always. You never disappoint. Loviatar 1, Kelevmor 0 tbh.

Jayde Moon

Well done.  Not pleased to see her passing, tbh... but good luck on yor next pc!!!


Quote from: TheMoonlightBecomesYou;126984A fantastic PC, Casteroni. I am glad to have interacted with you as much as I did, as always. You never disappoint. Loviatar 1, Kelevmor 0 tbh.

Excuse me? Who died first?

Lux Lucis

Awesome character... Like, really...

devil ph d

No!! More allies are dying!! Thanks for the RP with Wyatt, it was totally fun!!

Crod Mondoon

Awww...I will never get a nightmare out of her now! And our relationship was just heating up :) Well played!


Quote from: Crod Mondoon;126991Awww...I will never get a nightmare out of her now! And our relationship was just heating up :) Well played!

I was actually hoping that one day Clarice would end up in a position where her nightmares were forced out of her.

She was always lying when she said she didn't have any.


Since day one, you were there to hinder the efforts I tried to make around the colony. The first time I saw Clarice was as a silent companion to the more noisy Casius, who told me in no uncertain times that Thanatos would die the moment he animated a creature within the colony (this ten minutes after creating the character). Since then, we've steadily had an opposition between the two of us that was more a battle of words and stance than a martial one. Still, I loved every challenge you presented to me and liked your character, even though we never got to know each other beside our quarrels.

An excellent character. Good luck with your next.

Winston Martin

Sad self-sacrificing death. Should have sent the halfling to fetch your buddies at the bridge :(

And we never got to mess with these dumb rot spores :(


What a fun character!  She held an interesting and unique position in the Colony - when someone died, I always knew who to ask for the details.

Well done.

Flying Swordfish

Clarice was very cool.


'Richardson is expendable'... wtf... I hate you, Jawl! lol

Nice character, too bad I never really got to know her.


"I thought it would be rude to gnore him"




I loved your char, was a bit sad to hear you are gone, and i LOVED the Death-thread!
Hope to enjoy your new char!