Change to tailor dye scripts.

Started by Cruzel, May 16, 2009, 09:08:11 PM

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I have a system that could (very)  easily replace the current one that the tailors use to select dye colors.

Because we alll know how much scrolling through more than 150+ colors to find the one you want sucks, especially if you need to do it multiple times to get your outfit to match.

The system I have sorts the colors by hue and type, giving you a few categories and making it extremely easy to quickly choose the colors you want

The Crimson Magician


I think there should be both scripts in place, as to help some people who do not want to accustom themselves to the next script.

Drakill Tannan

All hail Cruzel and his scripts.


The Crimson Magician

BUMP BUMP BUMPitydebumpy!



I would really, really, really (did I already say really?) like to see something like this implemented into the server.
...Even if it is something made by Cruzel. <.<

Listen in Silence

Normally I would love this, but since Cruzel made it...



That or allow numbers to be typed and this means you instantly find the colour you wanted.


I believe, even though Cruzel made it, it is a good idea.