
Started by HalflingMaurauder, May 02, 2009, 04:51:44 PM

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The payout (Both XP and Gold) for this quest should be upped. The XP it gives isn't so great (Once you hit 6+, I can't speak for lower than that.) The loot can be cool, but overall it's a fairly tough quest with generally huge blowback and no gain.

 I went through it with a full party and we only got 392 gold from the NPC at the end.  I ended up having to dish out a bit of extra from my own coinpurse just to spread out enough to cover what they used themselves (Nevermind the fairly large amount of healing I used as well to keep them alive!)

For a 4-10 quest this quest is really not worth doing except for the purpose of wanting to do a tough quest.


(you only kept us alive sometimes.)


You just got served.


It is a 4-10 quest. It will be done. <_>


Yeah, funnily enough quests aren't just for upping your supplies even more. And its a 4-10 quest like gip said. People are going to do it.


"We just did this quest for the first time and didn't get back what we used."

Sounds like a broken record.

Drakill Tannan

Aww come on. Can't someone just say "it is intended to be that way"?


I have actually done this quest numerous times. The XP and Gold reward suck, and the loot usually isn't anything fancy with the exception of a  couple cool things that can pop up (Which rarely do!).

I didn't say it wasn't going to be done, but as it is the only reason to possibly do it are "Hey let's do a tough quest" or one of the people in your train is level 10.

There is pretty much no way to take this quest and even come close to making up the supplies your party used, no matter how optimized your group is.


The only time this quest didn't pay out well for me was when I couldn't get the treasure trove open at the end.  I've gotten treasure on that quest I still use, and haven't done it in over a month.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Yeah. If it doesn't work out for you, dont do it! Power to the people who do.