Graphics troubles.

Started by Sedarine, April 25, 2009, 04:09:34 PM

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Guys, I have what seems to be a worsening graphics issue.

I'll describe what's going on and see if you guys agree.

-random red, blue and green dots (very small) on all game/ OS/ and intraweb pages. Just a few, but persistant and random.

-Sometimes what seems to be a lock up on the OS (XP) due to the toolbar graphics not being loaded. Toolbar loads as a blue background, but the neither the "start" button nor the grey taskbar colors load..also the taskbar icons don't load either.

-random mouse lock ups on boot up. Mouse cursor frozen in place. I can hit the power button on the PC or shutdown via taskmanager.

-newer games just won't run period...yes, ones that ran fine in the past.

-NWN runs, but I get texture corruption, flashing textures, what seems to be lag loading many objects, occaisional black screen flashes. Crashes on start up (freezes) and a few IG crashes.

-drivers will not unistall right, even after driver cleaning I can't get newly loaded drivers out and new ones in.

-flash player gives me trouble too..I get the "need the latest version nUb" message. It's current...and it's teh broke.

Seems card related, but I'm not the best tech in world...any Ideas guys?


2 x 7900GTs in SLI
2 gig ram
Athalon 64 X2 5000+

More info if you need it!


Basing on what you're saying, I would have first taken into accord somekind failure starting to show videocard side.

I also know graphic cards can cause freezing and general failure in OS. If it would be motherboard, processor, or hard drive, it would most likely be more serious in sense of problems. This meaning complete shutdowns, failure to start at all and similar.

Atm. even if your mouse freezes, graphical things do not load right, the PC still runs and clearly shows somekind booting attempt.

I would suspect your graphic cards or memory, but you'd be best to take it somewhere for a check up. Better do that before you start buying or replacing things, I'd say.


I should add the condition seems to be slowly worsening.

I've also tried wiping my drives, and doing full from the start OS and driver installs.

After the last wipe I tried to update the drivers and couldn't get the old ones out/ new ones in. Though I was able to (sort of, I think) get the ones from the install disk back in, it just doesn't seem to work right.


Alright, now this seems little strange.

Lets view it this way: If you have hardware problem, something starting to fail or already being broke, it would have to show in some way. I rarely have ever seen something that slowly gets worse.

Graphic cards have suddenly spilled out red, blue and similar pixels, slowly worsening within next minutes and then frying completely, bringing the PC down. It still is possible your graphic cards or one of them is faulty, hense you PC could still work if one from the SLI setting is messing about.

Any other hardware most likely would just stop your PC from running at all, or bring it down all the time, or in some exact similar cases.

This brings me to another option. Rootkit, or virus. Escpecially if you have trouble installing things.

Try to access any sites of some known antivirus software, or antivirus named sites. If you can't, it's sure you have one. Otherwise it's also possile you have somekind rootkit that virus protections can't find.

As I said before, best option is to truly take it into a shop, it's best place to find out if you have hardware failure at the moment. On the other hand, if you find that you have somekind foreign program on your PC, then it's something that you can handle, after we find out if it truly is so.


def sounds like video card dying


I quite literally JUST had this problem man. I'm sorry to say it, but your graphics card is on it's last leg. Your gonna have to grab a new one.


Usually caused by overheating of the GPU. It is going to fail shortly :S