Remove Nat 1 Failures on Climb Checks

Started by Maimed, January 14, 2015, 12:09:59 AM

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Up all the DC's universally if you have to, to compensate, but pls.


It's pretty realistic to be honest. Sometimes no matter how good you are at climbing, a rock snaps or ice breaks and you're just screwed.

... That said, it probably shouldn't have a 1/20 chance of happening. Maybe a secondary roll on a 1 (only if even by rolling a 1 you pass the DC), and a double failure causes a fall. That'd make the chance 1/40.


I don't find it very realistic to take as much none avoidable damage as you do from the rather short distances you fall.  At the very least, allow for a reflex save to halve/negate damage.


If some DM were to take the time to do this I would make the innate chance of failure regardless of climbing check/skill to be based on the kind of armor you wear. Ie,

Cloth/leather=no chance of automatic failure, medium=5% chance, heavy=10-15% chance
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Quote from: Vlaid;422275If some DM were to take the time to do this I would make the innate chance of failure regardless of climbing check/skill to be based on the kind of armor you wear. Ie,

Cloth/leather=no chance of automatic failure, medium=5% chance, heavy=10-15% chance

I like this idea actually. It allows clothies/leather-wearers to use climbing as a viable escape method from clunky plate wearers who for some reason at present are able to climb just as easily as they are if they have enough skill ranks and cheesily cross-classed tumble.


No other skill check in EFU has nat 1 as autofail, AFAIK


I dont know... I've seen many CRIT FAIL rolls come up in DM events. Those normally leave everyone in tears or in pieces. As for climbing, it's more the damage and not the chance of failure that's just plain scary. Maybe higher climbing skill could reduce the damage die rolled against you.

However, anything that could get you out of a fight, brawl, or PvP like climbing a wall they might not be able to follow you up--Needs to have a chance to fail. It just does.


Quote from: Hound;422273... That said, it probably shouldn't have a 1/20 chance of happening. Maybe a secondary roll on a 1 (only if even by rolling a 1 you pass the DC), and a double failure causes a fall. That'd make the chance 1/40.
That would make 1/400 actually.


Ill be honest that I play a heavy-climbing char.  While it pisses me off when I fail a climb check, 5% is not that bad if you can't normally fail.  I climb a lot and it's not that annoying.  It can suck at times, but that just makes things more interesting usually.

Though, if you are not in combat (in PnP), you can usually take a 10 or 20, and disregard rolled 1's in these situations if not in combat.

But as you can fail Heal rolls and such while not in combat in our EfUR, and has been stated a rock may slip, it's not unreasonable to fail a climb check 5% of the time even if you have max climb.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


I will say that it annoys me when I have a char with max climb and is forced to roll a dex check to climb something in a DM situation.  

DM: You have to climb the mast to secure the sail....  *roll Dex*, not your Climb skill.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


I've been a climber IRL for quite a few years, I've climbed all over the country on all kinds of rock. Rock does break, absolutely true, but even when it does, you don't always fall (Thank God).  I agree with making it less likely to happen.


Cut the damage taken when you roll a natural 1 than what you'd normally take failing the DC.


Here's a recommendation for how climbing could still have that danger factor but maybe just a hair less than 5% chance of falling every time. Also gives a bit of a perk to Rogues who in D&D were traditionally the climbers. This would also increase the danger factor for climbing in heavy armor.

One a roll of 1, trigger a DC 10 tumble check.  Pretty easy for folks with any points in tumble to make the roll but not still have a bit of a chance of falling however it would be almost impossible for a plate mail wearing fighter to make the check.


This is one thing I can incredibly strongly agree with. I used to boulder, which is what climbing in efu is for the most part, and experienced climbers very rarely fall, especially on hard rock, as the underdark is often.

Nothing will ragequit a person harder then getting 31 on a DC 20 climb while fleeing, and still getting fagued and losing a level.


Not going to happen. Failure makes the world great and can result in good stories to tell merely as a result of this minor chance. Locking the thread.