Calendar Forum Tool

Started by Kinslayer988, March 26, 2015, 06:41:14 AM

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The calendar tool I have been seeking for so long is finally here! The calendar is on forums and could be used to plan events for DMs and players. However the calendar is outdated, only going to 2010. I believe that this could be a valuable tool but I want to know from players and DMs if it can be updated, and if people want to use it.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


The calendar isn't going to be used. It is unsupported by vB5.


Thank you for the reply. A shame! I will see what other tool I can find/make.


Thanks for the swift reply Snoteye. I will see what sort of tool I can find/make for this.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers

Knight Of Pentacles

I believe they're also looking for a calendar that can align itself with in-game times.  That way it won't come to us as such a surprise when horrible withered beasts start accumulating outside the shield.