Making Custom Portraits

Started by Valo56, September 02, 2015, 08:19:27 PM

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This isn't a EfU specific thing but I think it's relevant anyway, and others have asked me to put this here.

Want to make your own portrait? Apparently the method of doing this isn't as well known as I thought it was. But it's really extremely easy to do.

So find yourself a portrait, first of all. Save it in your NWN directory in the portraits folder. If there isn't a folder there, make one. Name it "portraits" (no quotations). Now fill it up with your portraits files, make sure they're all .jpg files.

The following steps can be done at any time while NWN is open, even if you're in-game. Hell, I think it can be done while loading screens are up.

What you do now is press the tilde key (~, it's right above tab) and type ConvertPortrait NAME

So if your file's name is Rogue.jpg, you type ConvertPortrait Rogue and it will automatically make the files. After the files are made, you can open up the Choose Portrait option in character creation. Take note that if you do this while the Choose Portrait option is already open, you will have to close and re-open it as it doesn't auto-refresh. It only refreshes when clicking Choose Portrait.

Any sized picture will suffice, NWN automatically resizes them. The thing to watch out for are pictures that are too small (and I suppose too big) and things that aren't of the correct dimensions, as this can result in stretched images, images missing details you wanted, and more. Play around with it a bit. If you make a mistake, go back to your portraits folder in the NWN directory and delete the newly created files, edit the image in paint or something to try and fix the problem, and then SAVE IT UNDER A NEW NAME. You might be able to get away with saving it under the same name and restarting NWN, though, but saving it under the same name without restarting NWN has never carried over the changes I made.

Getting good at this may require some experimentation, but it's not hard. In summary:
-Save .jpg file to NWN/portraits
-Open NWN
-Press ~
-Type ConvertPortrait NAME (do not add in the .jpg at the end)
