Gernfax Arundar: Manly man. Lumberjack. Spellguard Agent.

Started by Gentlemen of the Empire, November 16, 2014, 11:16:47 PM

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Gentlemen of the Empire

I went into playing Gernfax with the desire to play a Spellguard Agent straight, but also to bring something different to what is normally a rather heavy going role. He did not live long, but I enjoyed many of the interactions he had with people.

I have one screenshot to share that sums up the character for me.

See you on the next one.


He was the best Agent PC so far in my opinion. He could be serious when needed but he was still a real person.

Knight Of Pentacles

The Samophlange

Be a man. Do the right thing.


I love that Cube of Greatness SO DAMN MUCH.

Gernfax was awesome, Gent. Great job!



The cubes was cool.


Keep on keeping on, meat man.


Not enough spooky screenshots.


Argh... I wanted to be the traveling Law Lads! You coulda been the jovial funny guy and i'd the stick in the mud. Bringing the plane of law TO YOU

But in all seriousness,  love Arundar as he felt like a whole different breed of agent. He felt like a guy who, not saying he didnt, but who wasnt working any angles.

Gonna be missed!


I greatly enjoyed Arundar.  Always that crazy positive go-get-em attitude that contrasted with every Agent I've ever seen.


A fun guy to be around with some wonderful quirks. Was the first agent since Robal that could get things done without everyone hating them