Looking for four players to play Hobgoblins

Started by Nuclear Catastrophe, November 14, 2014, 06:44:37 PM

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Nuclear Catastrophe

As title suggests.

Alignment:Any evil or Neutral (CE thru to LN)

Currently looking for four players to play hobgoblins for a concept I have in mind.

There is currently not a determined 'start date' for them but it will be friendly to my GMT timezone I.E. weekends anytime or 6pm-11PM GMT through the week.

It's a strange concept, not entirely like 'standard' hobgoblin and very specific to what I intend to do so you'd have to be fairly malleable with your character ideas - I won't discuss it with anyone who is not committed to playing the character full time however so no PM's for details.

As a 'monster' character of course, PvP is always extremely likely so relaxed, chill players will get the nod ahead of anyone else, if there is a lot of interest.

But if you are interested, just send me a simple PM stating such and I will see how many people want to do it and then hand pick a group and a timezone to start things off.




And I am hiring them!

Come share a halfling soup in my den.