Started by Charnelist, October 03, 2014, 02:33:24 AM

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OK so.
I do not know about the expectations/plans for myconid PC's on the staff side, OR how difficult it might be to pass an app to play one, but I do know that requiring the absorption of two others to advance in life stage is (I quote a myconid player here) an "insane disincentive"...

So I suggest:
A lot of folks may wish to try a myconid out for the sake of curiousity, enjoy the novelty, and then tire of the lifestyle and stop playing. Or take a long break for any other number of reasons, whatever, point is, if they're not around, there isn't even a CHANCE for progression past 6.

~Make it so that a myconid PC becomes eligible for eating somehow after a long enough period of inactivity.
      ~Maybe make them submit an extra app/require some other form of approval for them to NOT be made eat-able after that set period of time?

~Make myconids nonapp, with a few conditions:
    ~You must app for the ability to forcibly assimilate another myconid
    ~In the case of forced OR voluntary absorption, require both myconids to be at the max level for their lifestage.*

*This is to prevent people from making throwaway myconids to be absorbed by other myconids right from the start.  From what I hear getting to level 6 requires quite a bit of time, if not also effort, on the part of a myconid PC. That should translate to an investment that makes it harder for people to simply abandon them for the purpose of helping a fellow myconid along.
Even if myconids were very populous (such as if they were nonapp) it would be hard to find a one who maxed out their PC and was ready and willing to lose it.

These suggestions are an attempt to make myconid progression a little more reasonable. As it is, it seems entirely likely that with the rarity of myconids and their unique manner of growth together, growth might never even happen.

I feel the team has such things in the works already. Just putting some of #Treehuggers's thoughts forward ^^


Well, I can imagine this is a disincentive, yet at the same time the hope was that players would sort of realize that even a level 6 Myconid can do a lot - given their various immunities and perks related to their Groves (such as growing their own quite powerful loot), they don't really need higher levels. Certainly there are far fewer Myconid Apps/PCs then I anticipated though. In part due to these difficulties, it's not particularly difficult for players to get a Myconid app approved and I am a little surprised we have seen so little interest.  

Given that so many players get bored with their character after less than a month or two anyway (unfortunately), I am surprised more players don't want to try something different and try playing a Myconid to completion. After all, having your character's personality be absorbed and remain within a more long-lasting Myconid seems like a cool homage for a more temporary character.

In case anyone missed it, here is some useful info for anyone interested in the idea.

Knight Of Pentacles

Maybe drop an enormous ECL on myconids who reach the level cap rather than preventing them from leveling all together.  Levels aside, I understand that the later life stages are more powerfully mechanically so it isn't as though this would take away from the appeal of absorption too badly.


Myconid are pretty cool :) I would play one if I didn't have 50 other character ideas clogging my brain.