Broodhive suggestions

Started by Egon the Monkey, March 27, 2009, 10:22:55 AM

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Egon the Monkey

I was in a team doing broodhive yesterday and about half way in we realised that the keeper larva swarms had 50% concealment. Since they're swarms of bugs, I thought that was represented by their DI against non-bludgeoning weapons. 10-20% conceal alog with the DR would add a certain "why can't I hit these damn bugs" feel, but effectively giving them perma-displacement is a bit much I think. It just got frustrating that the weakest mobs were taking the longest to kill.


PLease either remove this spawn, or drastically reduce the amount that spawn.

These spawns offer nothing besides being annoying nuisances.


That's why the bugs are there, imo, they are just a nuisance. I like the concealement idea on swarms (same goes for bats in the bat tower quest, for example). Maybe 50% is a bit too much, i couldn't say.

As for the quest in general, it is long and can be rough, but well balanced. And the huge spiders are sooo cool!


They're incredibly annoying, but sorta make sense.  Plus they're super-weak to AoE spells.

I could go either way.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals

Egon the Monkey

Yeah, I know fireballs are excellent spells in that quest. On the other hand, it's so long, you usually want to double up on buffs, so you can't spare the slots.


Such is the choice to make; bring easy fly swatting abilities or extra buffs. I say leave as is, flies are annoying and hard to hit. Half the time your swing would blow some of them out of the way of your strike. I think they are doing exactly as intended.


Quote from: Egon the Monkey;117087On the other hand, it's so long, you usually want to double up on buffs, so you can't spare the slots.

You do know you're not supposed to metagame this like we all do (except Cruzel), right?

Egon the Monkey

Thing is, they did what they were intended to do well enough before. They were numerous, irritating, and their poison really stacks up when you fail a few of the many saves you're being hit with. They could be a problem blocking areas, but you had Clerics and other second-line fighters smash them out from behind. Annoying enough to need removing, but not deadly enough to be the primary mob to hit.

The thing now is they are twice as tough and very good body-blockers. 50% conceal doesn't make them more challenging, interesting or dangerous, so much as it makes them a much bigger hassle to clear, and saps the fun out of the quest (Jergal Tomb too I assume, but I haven't played that on an alt to find out yet) . Fighting a huge bug while swatting hordes of its offspring is cool. Having to finish off bugs for ages after wiping out all the deadly stuff is just dull. Broodhive is an especially long quest, it doesn't need padding out.

I like both Broodhive and Jergali Crypt for having a good mix of traps, monster types, and both open and confined spaces. The traps especially are good for letting rogues shine and forcing pauses where players can ICly discuss strategies, realise the wonders of Herbs etc.

If the aim was to slow teams down, I'd suggest dropping a bunch of Slow and Minor Spike traps about the room entrances and hallways for a similar annoyance effect, but one that can be countered and doesn't create a combat slog.


The aim was not to slow down people more as to make it so that PC can move through them (They do not have 1.69 collision anymore).

The 50% concealment is an unforeseen side-effect of this and will be tweaked until the right effect is achieved.


This should work;

ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, EffectCutsceneGhost(), oStupidAnnoyingbugs);

This effect's sole purpose is to allow pathfinding(walking) through an object. It's meant for cutscences where the PC is actually invisible and you don't want the NPCS you are watching to get stuck on your PC and act weirdly.  But for this purpose, it should work.

Quote from: Letsplayforfun;117096You do know you're not supposed to metagame this like we all do (except Cruzel), right?

Damn right. You better be staying away from my rock too, Son.


Yes. I know, Cruzel. Thank you for the thought, however.