Monster Deity: Psilofyr

Started by Knight Of Pentacles, August 06, 2014, 12:50:37 PM

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Knight Of Pentacles


Symbol: A fungal world tree with drooping mycellium strands.
Home Plane: Mechanus
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Myconid, Fungus, Tradition, Community
Worshippers: Myconid
Favored Weapon: Pacifism

Cleric Alignments: Lawful Neutral, True Neutral
NwN Domains: Fungus, Healing, Protection, Lawful, Knowledge

Info: Psliofyr, the god of myconid is a pacifist deity dwelling in Mechanus. He is a teacher to the myconid and is depicted as a type of fungal world-tree with mycelia strands that reach down through the planes. Psilofyr's only concern is the preservation of the myconid race and its traditions. To all other things he is indifferent.