Contriver sorc spell failure

Started by xXCrystal_Rose, July 29, 2014, 03:07:49 AM

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Login: xXCrystal_Rose
Character: Astrid Taxis

I am playing a Contriver sorc wearing 1 ac padded leather. The armor proficiency is working fine but it is still giving me spell failure. The perk description for contriver says at level 1 I should have -20% spell failure which does not seem to be applying. Did the whole rest/reset/transition/server reset thing.


Leather worked fine for me.


Did you rest in the armor?


I am not positive. I just got the spell failure while wearing chain. I rested in it, but crashed, which made the armor un-equip (and screws up quick slots, but that's a hardcoded problem with proficiency feats).


Okay I see the nature of it now! The spell failure reduction works fine if you rest while wearing the armor. If you have crashed/logged off it will unequip the armor of course, and that makes it lose the reduction, requiring a brand new rest. So that explains why it was working fine for a while then started getting spell failure after a crash during combat earlier.