Purple Crystal Mine (quest)

Started by Heart Of Oak, July 29, 2014, 03:44:52 PM

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Heart Of Oak

Not sure if this is a bug or intentional but without giving too much away the purple Crystal mine now gives no reward beyond XP. Dropped loot were rags and double axes.


It is randomized. Every reset it is one of five different permutations, with the general theme of just being something purple.

Heart Of Oak

Understood, so there isn't meant to be a reward beyond xp anymore?
Just that the person I did the quest with said they had done three already and had not seen this one but also not received any reward for any of them beyond Xp.


That, and without a killer fortitude...it is nearly a death trap...

already had a few people say it's not worth it.


Not all exploration is worth it. You heard it. It is randomized.


Sometimes the rewards are big, bigger than they used to be.

Sometimes the rewards are a bit better than they used to be.

Sometimes the rewards are nothing.

It's randomized. Not sure how much more clear I can make it.

I'm unclear what the fortitude is about - I'm guessing one of the monstesr has a fort save or be paralyzed? I can certainly fix that, it's not intended to be a death trap by any means.


Well, mostly the large amount of acid, without spoiling it..the monsters hit with acid every time, plus the stuff on the ground. And failing a fort save will drop your constitution. Nearly killed a few of us dwarves.


Okay, well, I'm going to take a look but the acid on the ground should be REALLY easy to avoid.


I wouldn't say it's any more deadly than kobolds, if even close, as much as it takes you by surprise because of what it was before, which is frankly awesome, actually. If more scripted quests were so randomized I think people would do them far more often, though, perhaps only with parties they felt completely confident in.
 It definitely helps prevent metagaming if the variables are different enough, and almost felt like dm spice without a dm.
 I just got to say, i did it last night and thought it was awesome, completely unexpected. I thought maybe the quest just got changed over based on IC actions, but to hear it's random makes me want to do it until i find every single version.