Vagabond Fighter Perk

Started by Knight Of Pentacles, July 26, 2014, 12:42:53 PM

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Knight Of Pentacles

Human, Level 2 fighter.  Freshly created.  Doesn't receive perk light armor bonus even after rest, multiple relogs, and entering in game.


Did you wear the armor when resting? Did you wear the correct light armor?

Knight Of Pentacles

There's a correct light armor?  I figured any light armor would do?

edit: Rested in leathers, seemed to work.

Knight Of Pentacles

So basically you have to rest in an armor in order for it to apply?  The description is sort of misleading when it refers to "any armor worn".


QuoteLight armor bonus
 Adds armor bonus to [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]leather, studded leather and chain shirt armor pieces worn.[/COLOR][/SIZE] Total arnor bonus is calculated:
[INDENT]+2/+3/+4 on level 1/5/8 respectively.
 - Armor AC on the item.
 +2 that negates penalty for leather armor.
 - Dexterity modifier above 2.[/INDENT]
Resulting in total max 16 AC at level 1, 17 AC at level 5 and 18 AC at level 8 regardless of [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]armor[/SIZE][/COLOR] worn.

I could write it like this but that'd be silly. Please read the whole description. This is above all other perks the one people keep asking questions about. I write the total armor bonus is calculated but people are surprised to realize there is math involved and how these pluses and minuses combine. I list specifically which armor pieces it works for and people alert me that there's a bug, their padded armor doesn't get the bonus. I provide a clarifying text so maybe they get that they are for the most part free to use chain shirt, leather and studded leather and will get the same total AC from the perk regardless.... and now that is called misleading too? I'd write regardless of leather or chain armor worn but then I'd get the padded problem again.

I am happy to answer questions but I can only clarify by text so much without someone eventually finding a way at getting it wrong. There are no bugs here and it is not misleading if you read and take into account the whole description.