
Started by xXCrystal_Rose, July 22, 2014, 11:46:48 PM

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Genevix was a purple crystal genasi druid with the intent to become a druid/knight. Once I felt comfortable enough with her accomplishments and rp to post an application for the knight prc things happened IG to change that. I think I accomplished what I set out to do with her and hope others enjoyed it. Even the filthy earth defiling dwarf scum <3

Genevix wasn't always a crystal monster. She was mostly meatish at one point with only patches of crystals growing from her.

Also what the hell? Why was she not hunted down and broken by everyone? You smash purple crystal elementals for scraps of broken shards but not this purple crystal monster that actively hunts and hurts Sanctuary PCs? I had multiple cure critical crystals, purple golem heart, six 25 charge moderate crystals and many other moderate crystals, not counting her 'armor' (her body) which you could have mined. All reserved as loot not to be used by myself, only rewarded to a killer.

So to cover up her meatishness she got patented druid full plate + booty shorts combo.

She liked to grow crystals though and participated in the Earth Wheel ritual which blasted her body with earth energy.

And as a result she became a crystal monster that had very little meatishness left. She never did become a knight, but thanks to the new animal companion system she did get a squire of sorts.

I can't post much else without it being spoilers, and don't want to post loot because I graphically emote everything well enough already. Also no need for rockslides. You've all seen Sanctuary being blockaded with boulders or nine boulders filling the crossroads and other locations. That was Genevix saying fuck you machine people. What a bitch, right? Non-stealthing 0 animal empathy full plate druids for the win.

Have some cuteness to finish this off with.


Oh wait I actually do have some non spoiler stuff!


Secret time-demon ritual stuff.

Withered grove.

De-witherization commencing.


The Old Hack

Alas, poor Genevix! I only met her once or twice but she was cool!

Looking forward to the next! :)


If only you got a tiny leystone companion. It would've been hilarious.


Why people didn't hunt her? Because we don't hunt these awesome characters (even if they're Cyrists plotting to make people murder them).

Anyway! I loved her idea and she became more and more awesome as she progressed. She had also a hint of wizard/ scholar about her that made her even more interesting as a wildling/ thing of the earth.

I am waiting for your next!


The dwarves didn't hunt you because you didn't hunt us. >_> Watchers didnt, cause no one ever reported your attacks. And you had a a dwarf friendo that kept the peace.


Knight Of Pentacles

defiler of a most sacred grove. some druid you were :(


Nice idea .. purple crystal genasi! Sick!

Bouquet of Roses

As per usual, you astound and amaze with whatever craziness you come up with.
Was fun, those few times she and Karrah got to explore/beat up things together!
They made a rather nasty team.

Best of luck on your next!