Jennifer Mirron - All the plotting in the world

Started by Arc, July 17, 2014, 06:10:56 AM

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I created Jennifer to see how long a Necromancer who never lied could survive.

The answer is not very long.

During her career, she was quickly forced to abandon her truthfulness, but it was too little too late. No screenshots, as she died long before anything screenshot worthy happened.

Sincerely hoping my next PC gets to last longer than a week. Well, it was a fun ride, thanks to everyone who interacted with Jennifer during her exceptionally short life.

Special Delivery

What?! who do I sell my shady necromancy shit!


I thought I was a long list of crucified, recent example of how-not-to-dark-magic.

Good luck.


for the sake of truth!

el groso

I think I would probably be killed or end up in jail sooner or later if I were to tell the truth the whole time, in RL. No one can do that and be unharmed, even in videogames. PEOPLE DON'T WANT THE TRUTH.

Nice try though


the thug side chose el_groso