Auxiliary access to In Between Bunker

Started by Random_White_Guy, July 12, 2014, 12:44:23 AM

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There's a cool quest there, but also there's a plausible IC sense that the Auxiliary would be able to access a defensive position in the In Between given the fact that they're operating in the machine and beyond, etc.

Any way the Auxiliary Key could be utilized in such a method instead of just the Spellguard?watcher Key?

I just love the idea of sendings ringing out about "Returning from patrols in the machine with reports of increased movement from below the In Between", etc.

(also with the other thing nerfed due to overuse this could help things out a bit in a more traditional sense of auxiliary duties)
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

The Machinist

Given the quest is exactly the sort of thing the Auxiliary would do, as well as patrolling the In-Between being a core activity of the Auxiliary, this seems suitable and fitting to me.


Hm. I think it easy enough for the aux to get hold of a Watcher to let them into the Bunker. The Watchers also have a lack of things to do in general that sets them apart from others and allows them to lead operations and stuff.

The very plot of the quest in the bunker is that the Spellguard Auxiliary couldn't be bothered with that particular passage it is about and as such the Watchers were tasked with protecting it.

I feel if the Quest is going to be opened to the Auxiliary some text should be changed to reflect that.


I think it'd be perfectly reasonable that Auxiliary would be issued the mass-produced item that allows access to the bunker. It could even be the IC initiative of an Agent, to equip his soldiers for their increasingly militaristic duties and encroachment on Lower Dunwarren.


I dunno. I feel like the Auxiliary association has a lot of advantages to it already in comparison with the Watchers.


Although I'm open to the idea of this happening at some point in the future as a result of very specific IC actions (the Auxiliary becoming more 'formalized' and 'official'), in general I'm quite opposed to the idea... I constructed the quest as a perk mostly for Watchers, because I feel sorry for them. I don't feel sorry for the players of the Auxiliary who are saddled with few responsibilities and many perks.