Boneyard Changes

Started by Vlaid, June 27, 2014, 11:06:48 AM

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I feel it's high time we talked about doing some changes to the Boneyard so it's more conducive to necromancers staying alive. I've been on both sides of the gank in the boneyard situation now - both as the receiver and the aggressor. Either way it doesn't feel that great and you don't have many alternatives that don't verge on being a fair bit OOC about it all.

So my suggestion:

Add a connecting area in front of what is currently the boneyard, make this the actual "boneyard" where the current quest(s?) is/are located. Then make what is currently the Boneyard, connected on the other side, and add various NPC skeleton guardians with see invis which are counted as NPCs for the purposes of PVP (but allow necromancers to ply their dark craft at an alchemy circle there).

Alternatively just make these skeleton guardians with see invis hostile to anyone who doesn't have thomas's tavern set as their spawn point, or some other way of telling who isn't a necromancer or "local".

This would allow necromancers to do what they do with some small area of protection and expectation of DM being present to control the NPC guardians for any comitted PVP.

There may be some more elegant ways to go about this but frankly I think the combination of the location of the Boneyard, the fact that it has a quest, and the fact that there are various alchemy/boons to be utilized within the Boneyard all combined make for a place that is very easy to be killed/subdued/discovered as a necromancer with very little hope of protection.
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Necromancers need to make their own security and earn their place, safety is found quite well at the undisclosed little tavern, if one needs it. Otherwise, few little tweaks to it's structure or pathing of the area or other may be made or may not, but it's very much as it was meant to be otherwise.

That area is not meant as a safe haven, that has never been intended. It is exactly what it is, a graveyard of lizards and what not.


There doesn't need to be a change to the area, just a change to people's desire to stay alive.

If you do not wish to be found practising necromancy or other foul magics that could be viewed as a hostile action to other characters, don't stand around being a fool and making it obvious. That's my advice :)


What is fair to suggest is that we try and add some additional places and spot and other means for outcasts / hermits to use.

And we are working on some ideas and things of use.