baublium spawn

Started by Fosko, June 22, 2014, 06:56:25 AM

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Let the baublium spawn randomly over time in smaller bundles (like 1-3 pieces).. it would make the player to spent more time searching for it than having a race for it. + plus it would prevent restart abusing






This, as self serving it may be, has a lot of merit. I think that being lvl 4 is the easiest level to amass baublium, and there is no other way that will get it quicker than that. Perhaps 1-3 randomly spawned in the machine that you have to make search checks would be great. Not many, and in random areas every reset perhaps.


This is a really good suggestion actually. The restart abuse/race to retrieve it is really unfortunate and sad.

It would be nice to see it spawn over time, in various areas of the machine. Perhaps even as a random explorables instead of a guaranteed cache.
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Most of the baublium I've seen are usually rewards from players taking iniatives to form groups to patrol the Machine, and DM just hops on and made the whole thing extra fun.

Currently the scrappers are all stealth-orientated to ensure quickest access to the baubliums after a reset. If baublium were to be found more in explorables you'd only have more stealthy scrappers working in pairs to tackle the explorables, but it is a move in the right direction.

Baublium as random quest rewards for quests like "Exigent Thought" may foster more team work as a group of rogues probably wont be able to clear that dungeon.  And it encourages them to reach out to others outside of their group to tackle the new challenge.


Honestly it'd be nice to see the guaranteed spawn be removed entirely. The Great Race that happens every reset doesn't bring any fulfilling or compelling RP out of it at all, and it sort of detracts from the spirit of scavenging everywhere in the Machine for it.

Some additional suggestions:

+ Space baublium through the Machine in the type of random corpses/loot bag placeables you sometimes see out in the wilds, in some of the more hostile areas.

+ Move the caches into explorable areas instead.

+ Hoarder type special NPCs like a Chosen that may drop a bit when killed.

I will say that there are a few places one can still safely search for things from stealth. It's not guaranteed at all, but I kinda like it that way.

The Samophlange

I very much like the idea of removing the large static cache and instead spreading baublium spawns out through the Machine. The Race of resets doesn't really add any roleplay or activity beyond 5-10 minutes of searching, with the only real conflict involved being more OOC than anything.

Baublium is an important resource to two factions, and having semi-reliable ways of getting some makes sense, but I am inclined to agree with tinfoilhat. Let there be a few places that you can safely stealth to and get some, no harm in that, but make the larger bundles have some risk involved. The reward for tricky explorables or dungeons, carried by rare spawned creatures, or even just moved into areas less conductive to a lone person retrieving them via stealth or invisibility. Make gathering it in larger amounts a team activity, promoting more roleplay all around!


A svirfneblin vending machine guarded by animatrons where PCs may trade 200 gold for 1 baublium unit.

An ancient refinery deep within the vaults super heavily surrounded by massive animatrons who are designed to ensure the place is secured. PCs may make safe withdraws or they may try to put a team together for a legendary bank heist.

If the PCs are successful in the heist they are sprayed with a defensive countermeasure that ensures each time they enter the machine they are potentially targeted by increasingly stronger animatrons and DM assaults within the Machine by hostile animatrons.

Over time the refinery would slowly produce more baulium to replace that which was stolen, allowing PCs to peacefully acquire it for the sum once more.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Baublium spawn! I support this monster. I can see it already. A foul pool of warter contaminated with Baublium spewing forth Ooze like creatures. Totaly up for that.
Waite? Thats not what the OP ment? Well i still support it.



The reset cache also kinda undermines the idea of baublium being a finite resource, unless the DM team has chosen to backpedal on that implication (which would make sense, given a certain new area's existence.) But the Great Race is the biggest issue here, obviously, so I agree that a guaranteed spawn should be done away with.

Or it should be made much more difficult to access, anyway. Something requiring more people.