Ogre Slaver

Started by John Doe, March 15, 2014, 11:40:36 PM

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John Doe

I am going to stick this one under 'Bug Report' instead of 'Suggestions', because it feels like an oversight to me.

Just now someone else much tougher and I encountered 3 Ogre Slavers banded together, in the area outside the Boneyard.

With 22 AB (17 with PA which they enable) and usage of IKD, it does not feel like they should be spawning in trios, let alone in a lowby area.

Suffice to say, they tore through us like butter.

Edit: the suggestion and/or bug that I am reporting is that they should probably not be spawning in trios ;)


I fought them in twos earlier today in the Crossroad Caves. Rather scary!

Nuclear Catastrophe

Yeah.  Doesn't sound like much fun.

We'll look into it.


These still spawn in threes.


Moved to the proper place.


22 AB seems a bit ogrezealous for monsters that spawn where they do.

Knight Of Pentacles

Not to mention their three attacks per round and constant knockdown spam.  I figured when my character died to them they were remnants of a DM quest because their power far exceeds anything I'd expect from the wild.


They've been adjusted.


These are nonhostile to everything I've seen.    Kobolds, goblins, animals, etc... seem to have some unspoken pact with these slavers to kill any surfacer they come across.