Animatron Part turn in change.

Started by HalflingPower, July 03, 2014, 09:41:25 PM

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I propose that the experience for turning in animatron parts be removed entirely and that the hand in be opened up to characters of all levels. Baublium turn ins already allow anyone to do such, even still rewarding experience.

It makes no logical sense that an NPC wanted and was willing to pay for animatron parts when you were level 6 and at level 8 won't give you the time of day.

Edit: Outside of scripted quests, I have no idea where you get even a fair amount of animatron parts.

Just saying.


Removal of the XP for higher levels while opening it up seems legit. No reason to remove the XP and penalize the lower levels though.


Fully agree.

Its oddly difficult to earn money at level 8 and beyond.


It also makes no sense that you can't walk into a cave full of goblins and loot all their stuff regardless of what level you are.

The limitations on the gathering quest are purely for game-balancing reasons.


While I think it could be nice for some of the gathering quests, as it doesn't make any IC sense that they'd refuse, Caster is also very correct.

Try picking up crafting, herbalism, exploration.. You'll make tons of money. I've made more money in my time with EfU from those listed above than just plain ol' questing! And shoot, you may stumble upon a bored DM whilst out adventuring and they may grace you with awesomeness in the process.

Be creative.

All of that aside, I would like to see gathering quests for higher levels, if only for a little sustainable gold, but none of the current ones, because I could see the spawns becoming MMO-esque. Lol.


Quest caps are OOC balance issues. We don't want people going lvl9 or 10 or 11 on gathering quests. Even 8 is a bit high...


Is it working as intended that the balancing results in high levels being generally poor unless they have wages by being part of a faction while low levels are almost always relatively wealthier?


What about just having an alternate turn-in NPC or dialogue option for people who are above the level limit to receive xp?

I know plots, RP, ect are the ideal once you get to higher levels...but sometimes it's nice to have "busy work" so that you can be around, present for run-ins, RP, sendings and so forth. Helps facilitate randomly running into people in the gameworld to spur meetings once you can no longer meet and bond with people via quests.
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I would support stripping away the XP reward after a certain level and keeping the payout.


As I said, no experience should be given after the current cap and I personally do not believe 'farming' these would at all be effective for three reasons.

1. They do not drop regularly and are fairly rare in my experience from just ambling around the machine fighting robots.

2. The majority of animatron parts come from quest area searchables and the odd animatron that everyone knows.

3. 30 coins per piece is not a big payout for a 5.5 pound 2x6 item that is actually fairly rare to get outside of quests, and if you wanted to actually make it semi-profitable to 'farm' these you would need a caster and a warrior combo thus splitting the earnings further. It would additionally be illegal to be doing such without Spellguard permissions, inciting potential conflict.

Furthermore, a far more profitable endeavor would be to hunt and skin animals which is not only far easier, it is far more lucrative (If not heavier) and to my knowledge- uncapped.

As a final solution, I would recommend making Fort Mur buy animatron parts as it seems the Elspeth NPC uses them.. or bangs them together. Perhaps for a flat 10gp each and no experience reward.

Edit: Even if it still gave experience, at 10 XP per piece I doubt anyone would ever go hunt down 500 animatron parts to level up.


Make it accessible for Scrappers beyond certain levels?


Make different types of animatron parts, some worth more money than others. The high GP ones could only spawn in quests/chests with level caps on them or something, others could be salvaged from animatron corpses with engineering, metalworking or search.
