Whirlwind Bug

Started by domare, March 08, 2009, 06:56:04 PM

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When I use the Whirlwind...there is a bug that occurs where my character cannot attack, use potions, enter into expertise, use items, etc.  This bug occurs from time to time even when I only use the Whirlwind attack once.

Not sure what the problem is.  But I am to the point where I don’t trust the feat.  Any way this bug could be corrected?


This is one of those bugs that are hard coded ><


There used to be a little 'fix' for it that you could do if it happened, but as far as I know it's hardcoded as Thomas said


Relogging fixes this, So does not using it at all if it is an option.


You only click once, when I had Whirlwind attack this fixed it. Make sure you do not repeatedly click the Whirlwind Attack icon, not even twice, and you should not block up.

The Beggar

I believe that unequiping your weapon and then reequiping it also works, but I could be mistaken. Been a long time since I've had that feat with a character.