Jaezril Baen'dar - Drow Corsair

Started by Equinox, April 17, 2014, 06:02:10 PM

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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]Jaezril Baen'dar
Drow Corsair of the Drow Armada[/SIZE]

Jaezril Baen'dar was my first attempt at playing a Drow PC. A devout of Vhaeraun, Jaezril believed that the Matriarchal society of the Drow race was a joke, a error during creation that needed correcting. When the fall of Traensyr to the Dread Empire occurred, Jaezril began to realise the opportunity to reshape the future of his race. He envisaged a drow empire lead by a patriarchy, where Lloth was considered a failure and all drow would flourish once more.

Little known fact, Jaezril was a homosexual and found the male form both aesthetically pleasing and aided in his personality of viewing men as superior.

I wrote a story for AMB's contest, explaining his early history and how his hatred for the females of his race came to pass.

[hide=The Rise of a Patriarch]I remember it like it was yesterday, nearly a hundred years have passed since, but the memory is etched into front of my mind as though my eyes were witnessing the events of that fateful dark in action. The day I chose to liberate myself from the oppression of my subordinates, not by social standing, but by natural selection.

Females; their very existence only required for the birth of children, if not for the need for our race to breed inter-sexually to survive we would be far better off. I have heard that some races simply reproduce asexually, if only we had such a luxury. Somehow, somewhere back in our history the Dhaerow progenitors decided that woman would take precedence over man. That those of weaker body, and erratic mind sets would be the better leaders. Lloth be damned, the spider queen gave to us nothing but a slow decline, allowed our leaders to become enthralled and our race left in tatters. We float on a ship, an Armada adrift the dark lake and for what? The scraps of an island that we must enlist the aid of vile, ugly and pathetic races to sweep clean so we may once more rebuild? A sick joke, and a reminder of why I did what I did.

Each strike of the lash burned my skin as the tiny little barbs that the priestesses favoured in their whips found traction upon my luxuriously perfect skin. Each time I refused to make a sound, one further insult to their sadistic desires. Each time I winced, for the pain was truly something to beholden, and yet I still gave them nothing. Dhaerow do not show pain, Dhaerow do not grant mercy, Dhaerow do not bend nor break. It was these three lines I kept repeating in my head, over and over as the barbs tore into my flesh. It was sometime during this however, that I found myself enduring a moment of clarity. One small, ringing tone at the far reaches of my conciousness that came in steadily after my sentence. “Why do you allow it?”.

Why indeed, what had I done aside from quietly suffer as many of my brothers before me at the hands of our mistresses and their matrons? Womenfolk, with their soft curvaceous bodies designed to increase to hormones of men, to make us pliant to their whims in the hope that they will allow us to mate with them. Womenfolk, with their sultry wiles and abilities to make even the sturdiest of males weak with the flutter of eyelashes and soft soothing tones the mask the truth. The truth that they were never meant to be our superiors, the truth that in some fell tip of the dice or some supernatural mistake during our creation that has never been corrected.

It is blessed then, that I must’ve been to see nothing in them, to find no libido or drive to strip them bare and caress the soft flesh of a woman with my hands and mouth. It is with this blessing that I saw the one undeniable truth, that the form of a male was perfect. From the strengthened bodies and larger limbs, to the lack of breasts allowing swifter reactions across their torso’s. There is not part of a female that could outperform a man of our race, save for their one graceful ability to birth the future.

So as the final lash landed, I forced myself to stand. Rising from servitude, rising anew with a purpose that to my knowledge, none before me could boast in the same manner. The barbs tore deep, forcing me to fight the waves of crippling pain, and yet I endured. Turning to face my oppressor, without word of warning, without mercy, without a single moment of hesitation fore I knew that there was no turning back I drew my blade and lunged forward with all the speed in my body.

I looked down, down upon the broken female at my feet, as the last few breaths escaped her mouth. I twisted the point of my rapier further into her heart, smiling upon the fledgling priestess as the lash rolled free from her now lifeless grasp. Her dark eyes a mixture of confusion, pain and fear. Fear of a male, fear of one who no longer would bow and scamper, fear of one who now enlightened with vision of the future to come would be forced to depart a home that he despised so strongly.

I knew though, that this would not go un-noticed or indeed unpunished, and despite my victory. The worst would now come, they say that in order to see dreams become reality, you must sacrifice. Whoever said that was not wrong, for despite my hatred for this city and it’s rulers, my departure remains the easiest sacrifice I have ever made. A Dhaerow, born with the looks and charm to boast a position as a House Matron’s mate, with the flair for swordplay that rivals the greatest of our nation. To turn and flee from Traensyr, many would declare maddened or cursed, but one man’s curse is another’s gift. It was this day that I accepted who I was, that I realised to hide one’s true nature is indeed a talent worth having, but to deny it to oneself? That is folly.

Still clothed in my tunic, with only my sword to hip I did what any respectable fugitive would. I departed the tower with the black blood of my now deceased former-oppressor still fresh upon my blade, I lied, oh how I lied. My tongue could have been cast from solid silver that day for even the most inquisitive of citizens did not keep me from my swift movements. As I hurried away, the scenes of not minutes before replayed over and over in my head, I felt fear, fear of what I had done, fear of whether it was the right choice, fear of repercussions. Though despite the fear, one emotion swallowed my doubt and granted me the strength to continue onwards, one emotion that presided over my entire body, right through to my very soul. Relief. Like the disgusting slave humans who once escaped our pits must have felt, the success of my actions, the freedom my entire form yearned for as the surface flower yearns for the sun. I was free to do as I was born to, exiting the gates of that accursed city was nothing but refreshing, like passing through a cold cavern waterfall, I felt myself unburdened of taint and dirt.

Now I sit upon the prow of this ship, afloat the Dark Lake that I have called home for near enough a century and I ponder that day, I question what it was that allowed me to ignore that which has kept so many before myself from coming to the same conclusions. So many questions, so few answers. Although, with the same sword now stained in the blood of another female this time of House Kenep. I feel not the same fear I once did all those years ago, I do not question myself or my motives as I once did. “The fatherhood rises” I speak, not loud enough for all to hear but enough that my voice trembles across the waves. A promise to myself, and to others like me. Patriarchy is coming.[/hide]

[hide=He Made Allies][/hide]

[hide=And enemies, mostly within his own race][/hide]

[hide=He participated in some server moving events][/hide]

[hide=Even his former allies were not safe from his brutal schemes][/hide]

[hide=He "employed" people too][/hide]

I had a blast. Despite a few ooc time constraints, I have to give props to all my fellow Drow players. But also a huge round of applause to Howland for such an epic opportunity. And to AMB for some amazing immersion RP.

I had loot, screenies but unfortunately didn't save so I guess that's lost to the ages.

Keep on rocking EFU!


Aberrant Starlight


We only had the one meeting, but it was suitably scary. Good work.


Never met him on my PC involved with the Drow plot. Definitely was scared of him from what I was told, though.

From what you told me of the concept it was sick.

Great stuff.


He seemed like a cool drow, but one I didn't run into enough on my svirfneblin. Many props for sticking it out all the way to the end, and going down fighting.


A villain with quite the stage presence, you set a wickedly beautiful scene when you executed Nim.

Very cool.

As for Raym, he met a predictably greedy death not long after the encounter recorded here, but he had moved quickly in the first day. The Hundred Hounds were formed under Hamish, the intended second, ignorant of the duplicitous purpose behind their formation.

Everything they do is half in thanks to you.

The Machinist



Plainly he was the best of the lot. He survived the intra faction purge.