Chaathi Haphret hissss *tongueflick*

Started by Pandip, March 08, 2014, 05:19:23 AM

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Chaathi was my first and so far only character in v4 of EFU and she invariably suffered from my own indecisiveness and, eventually boredom. She was an attempt at combining two druid PC's that had endings I was not entirely satisfied with, and in some ways she was successful.

Chaathi was a Mulhorandi druidess "of Sebek" that was subject to the frustratingly intrusive bullying of the her patron's werecrocodile clergy. As a woman who found kindred spirits in the bestial lizards of the swamps, she adopted them as a sort of totem animal despite the struggles with the local abrasive clergy. She was a person that very much wanted to be left alone to her own harmless devices. Eventually, she grew territorial. There were a couple of people who plucked a bit of story time from Chaathi and learned about a definitive moment of revenge after Dendar's Awakening, which I wrote about for AMB's contest but hadn't quite edited to my heart's content yet.

I'd definitely like to thank the whole of the team nature crew, which has obviously changed drastically over the course of the server's lifetime. Rose's Ceres was a particularly large influence on Chaathi despite being on the opposite end of the alignment scale; the two of them had very similar minds with entirely different perspectives. AMB was also a stellar help, in good times (awesome plotlines and quests!) and bad (fat lizard butt wiggles!). She also makes incredible gear. Like, you don't even understand. Super sexy stuff. Prettiest looking loot around, hands down.

I don't have any particularly definitive shots and I'm especially lacking in texty ones, but for the first time ever I kept up on my PCN (relatively) regularly, and so I have a few things to share that maybe might look neat???

[hide=Early Rituals and Stuff]



A brilliantly played meeting of the Stewards by Lial to determine Liruwen's fate. Shipping Makrtermann forever!

Speaking to the Calleach from afar, because you don't fuck with the Calleach.
[hide=bubble bubble toil and trouble][/hide]

I have a ton of shots revolving around Tulathek and his eventual sealing, but they're all stuffed away in a folder and I'm not going to sort through them. But this one was awesome! Nail-biting event!

There was this one time where I had the coolest, spontaneous roleplay once. Ceres, Elspeth, and Chaathi intervened in a battle between a deep lurker and a dozen orog in the Badlands. We played out a story revolving around the deep lurker being the last of its pack/clutch/herd/family/whatever and sought out new territory for it, until we entered Shaggaland after a bunch of shenanigans and it fought a Shaggabeast to the death for its cave. It was a really immersive and incredibly satisfying experience brought out by mundane, every day circumstances. That was a great night.

yeah that's about it. I'm going to avoid doing anything that requires me to /c hostile anything for a while, because that leads to me goofing more often than not. Goodbye!



Steward sister. That's about the end of the old group now. The wilds will never be the same. It was a blast. Also AMB does in fact make the prettiest looking loot stuff. Ever.


A cool character, a shame I never got to know Chaathi better.


I didn't get to interact with her a lot on Irith, but what little I had was rather fun. Look forward to whatever it is you do next!

Vault Shrike

Knew her from the early days of the underdark, wide-eyed and impressionable.

Great work. :)


*butt wiggles*

Good work with Chaathi :) I enjoyed her a lot!


I never got to make her laugh =(

You will be missed!

The Samophlange

A great character. I very much respect the way you always stayed true to her, even when it meant unfortunate things in-character. A good example, and a lot of fun to interact with as a result.


So much trouble digging that grave wide enough!

Great PC, she'll be missed.


oh, boy!
I've met her first on Miranda, then Shakti, then Oya and now Vedma. Began with a hag and finished with one.

She was bland when I met her, then she turned into an interesting enemy and had grown in an ever appreciated ally. Terribly colorful and strong.

I am gonna miss you and that sexy armor of yours.

Goodbye to "that Violent Woman"


A good, appropriately savage, Steward.


A great PC that always stuck to her guns.  Fantastic