Holy Water

Started by IxTheSpeedy, February 27, 2009, 07:25:14 PM

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It seems that the creation of simple holy water to be used in either ceremonies or to be used in combating undead would be a pretty simple task for a priest.  Find some type of clean water and cast bless on it would seem to be all that needs to be done.

What do ya think?  It doesn't have to be massively powerful, maybe 1d8 damage versus undead.  Would be an interesting RP creation as well.

In the meantime, RP wise, could a potion of bless be used as holy water?


Oskar Maxon


Can we consecrate things?  I remember a discussion around that a while back but I didn't think anything came of it?

Luke Danger

If I recall right, the discussion faded off as time went on.


I know there's a recipe to do this already, but maybe it should be more widely known.


It's not so much the recipe howland, as the tools are pretty much unavailable.

Consecration equipment should be available, which (Afaik) it is currently not, making the use of this system kind of impossible!

Once the tools are there, everything should fall into place.. I don't think the recipes are that hard to figure out.

Egon the Monkey

There was a thread. I made it. Both IC and OOC i was trying to find out whether anyone had ever managed to consecrate anything, and where to get the tools.

There was a consecration altar in New Dunwarren but never Consecration Equipment anywhere. Egon actually had a consecration recipe and 1 level of Cleric Of Lurue in addition to his ridiculous Lore skill and alchemy knowledge, and I really wanted to make holy water.

Oskar Maxon

I know of one place to get consecration equipment ig, however, it is not available to all.