Oya - Through the Ancestral Threshold

Started by granny, February 05, 2014, 12:27:59 AM

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Clad In Blood,

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Leyweb Song[/COLOR]

Webs of webbed truth, is call you to Missus
Webbed truth of lines of life 'n death
Spinning t'rough t'ruth 'n t'rough you, is call

Once 'n again, anot'er 'n plain

When is look at Missus and her knots
is not see fair, 'cause is not
... 'cause she is not scars nor skin
... 'cause she is not wind of lips

is see deeper, t'en is see Missus
is see deeper, is in her blood

in t'fire of veins, where it's warm
in t'fire of veins, where it's true

in t'flow of her river, bleeding so far
t'reading her webbing, speaking mute

Is not live her life,
for it's all a sticky web of pretty gems

Many lives as one 'n many lives gone
Connectin'songs of life 'n death, sewed
Open t'reshold of fates, toget'er webbed

Glossamer 'n painful dreams of ol'patience
Is live long in never ending penitence

Spin, spin... 'n spin t'fates of people
Be born t'ose 'bout t'form of anot'er cycle

... webbing t'universe toget'er...

[INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]To him... a thousand plagues... a thousand blights... All t'emisery and misfortune. All t'at was taken from her will be taken from him a hundred times 'gain. His semen will be poison 'n his kin will be rot. Blood will be water 'n suffering will be the ground bellow his feet. May peace be denied to him... even after death, for all those t'at come from him will share t'same misery![/COLOR][/INDENT]


I finally had the chance to interact fully with one of your characters, as an ally and a companion, and I was ecstatic to do it. Oya was very fun to interact with, flaws and all! Things are going to be quiet without you. =[



Over the course of three of my PC's, I had met Oya and she was -awesome- to interact with.

So sad to see her go, Granny.


I think she's your best yet. It's hard to say for sure though since your characters are always so lifelike!


Great character cut short. Oya was always up to something fun, and really injected life into Lower. I'm glad I got to adventure with her so frequently. Definitely one of your best and an interesting take on Blood Magic to boot.


I have been asking sorcerers if they cut themselves to use magic for a long time, someone finally did.

Big Orc Man

It's pretty rare to see a character so thematically unique and portrayed that way from start to finish.  Well done.


Aww man, the end came too soon for this one, IMO. Good work Granny! I'm eagerly awaiting your next personality.

Jayde Moon


She was a cool PC. Was really anxious to see what she's gonna do.

Good luck on the next one



   It was great to have one of your PCs that my PCs could actually get along with =)  I much enjoyed Oya, especially through playing Krelgen.  I'm already enjoying your next PC. Keep it up.

el groso

Ã"ia só! Portuguese jokes aside, well done, creepy woman was creepy.


She was aewsome. Damn ill timed death broke up the spider family!  Aniother well done creepy hag, what can you say.