Letter to Grandmaster Elizabetha d'Auvergne /DM

Started by I love cats, Today at 05:27:57 AM

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I love cats

Dear Grandmaster Elizabeth D'Auvergne

I know I write well beyond my station however I wished to report this to you and ask you forgive me. I write to you to express concern. I apprehended a knife eared necromancer who desecrated your halls with a floating skull and delivered her to the fourth legion. Lieutenant Colmes an officer of the legion then released her claiming the foul thing was a replica made of plaster. A priestess of the wyld and a scholar of the Sandstone have said otherwise. I am simply disgusted that the Sultan's legion allows this act to go unpunished. I write to you out of grave concern. The legion has now made it apparent that such wicked magics in our home can occur unpunished and this may encourage future incidents. Back home this would have never happened. I think it is unconscionable an officer of the legion would openly allow this. He and his men even saw the skull in question in person. They saw the elven creature stand up for it.

Never shall we wilt

Balestiere Luther Donisthrope