Letter for Warmaster Mirielle

Started by Poolson, Today at 02:20:34 AM

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Dear Mirielle,

I have new information for you. You have no doubt been told about the lumbering, bronze creatures, but, if you have not, do tell me and I can inform you.

What I am writing to you today, is much worse: the warlocks have learned a new ritual.

Three of them will join, far away from the battlefield, and draw a strange symbol in fire. It seems to use a component of fifteen fireball scrolls. When the symbol is completed, it rains fire from the sky, with extreme brutality. It is as if hell itself yawns wide and belches an inferno onto the earth.

It is my recommendation that we push for more marksmen to deal with them. Reyer is a keen marksman, but, he is going to need help.

Here are other details I have gleamed:

- The ritual seems to take great focus. They will not turn themselves invisible or shield themselves with protective magic. Maybe they can grant it to themselves with scrolls and potions, but, they would not cast it on themselves.

- It requires three to begin but less than can maintain it, once it has started. We were struck with less frequency as Tharrik and Alice began to shoot them, so I assume that the less there are to maintain the ritual, the slower it becomes.

- They begin this from a great distance but the reach of this ritual spans the entirety of the battlefield.

- The lines form scorch marks in the ground but its meaning is lost on me. It also includes fifteen scrolls of Fireball, of which I have one in my possession to hand off to you.

Here is my best attempt to draw the symbol by hand.

I hope this was helpful.
