A Record of Bellows sent to Alexandria Sayburgh

Started by Zambition, March 07, 2025, 11:15:57 AM

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Iyar 10, 7789, Inanna Eilissere bellowed;

"Fellow members of the gold league. You are asked to choose between three candidates. I need not sully any words on Cogsworth, our resident clown. Kind and amusing though may he be. That leaves you with two choices; Dante and Vellyn.

Now we have seen Dante's style of ruling. He just dictates from above, Decides things for us as he would for children. If you like being a sheep, and dutifully obeying this unimpressive man, then you know where to vote.

But a good gold candidate recognizes the value of her voiced, and involves them in the process. She holds assemblies and discusses what is best for the city. She knows the voiced are the brightest and best minds of the city. The lifeblood of the Well.

Dante made heaps of backroom deals, made concessions. But what he won was only ever for himself, and never for the people. Dante is not a team player. He has a role to play, as advisor. But he is not suited as legate.

Instead I would urge you to choose our only real choice; The woman who has already garnered widespread Accord Support. A moderate, someone who will curb the worst of Sayburgh's excesses and return us to the familiar status quo before the laws changed weekly and sergeants battled balestieres.

I want you, my fellow gold leaguers, to support Vellyn Lhyrian. She is someone you can trust with power. She will involve you in every step of the way, and allow herself to be advised by the assembly. She will make even-handed decisions and deals. Give her your trust and your vote! There is prosperity for all."

Nisah 9, 7789, Inanna Eilissere bellowed;

"Achaeus, You can't just be stark idols sitting still as the water rises around you. Legates need to make deals and keep the city functional."

Adar 7, 7788, Vellyn Lhyrian bellowed;

"And now, for something a little less ominous! I am Vellyn Lhyrian, here at my client's (Inanna Eilissere) behest. They wish to investigate some strange happenings in the Dunes of Rust. We'll be gathering in the Rose's tavern and setting off imminently."

Iyar 16, 7789, Vellyn Lhyrian bellowed;

"Hundreds of thousands of dinar already spent. For noble and just causes, aye, but spent nonetheless. Is there a plan to offset this deficit? What are we to do when the coffers run dry? Do we erect monuments for our slain with the lint of your bellies? Pay the Accord with songs of sweeter tomorrows?"

As requested. Most of Vellyn's own record are beckons for boardwork, where Inanna is mentioned often as her client, or so the connection can be made with ease once correlated with witness account of them rarely parting ways.

Contrary to her words during the campaign, Vellyn Lhyrian made off her career with being the city's finest broker of information. Now instead of being the skulking eye in the corner, listening to conversations and then peddling it onto others in return for more information to create a cycle of it all, she is now at the head of where information goes to die.

She did not rise to the First Seat to serve the people. She rose to the First Seat so she could further satisfy her own morbid obsession with knowing all secrets. If she wished to serve the people, truly, she would have already aspired to make a deal with you.

Helerath and the daughter of Ghalib shall likely be the candidates for Gold and Purple this time around. Lujayn had mentioned to me the chances of not splitting the vote, but in truth, I don't think the League of Purple ever vote for their candidate in unison. I would not worry much of the opposition.

Your friend,