Gambling Invitation sent to Apothars

Started by wahoo387, February 09, 2025, 04:22:43 PM

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Esteemed Apothars,

You are cordially invited to partake in the most exciting gambling pleasure cruise this side of the desert. Indulge yourself in the finest wines, the smoothest cigars, and all of the most extravagent luxuries of Kha'esh. Only the highest stakes for the most ambitious and wealthiest members of Ephia's Well await.

We will have a wide variety of games for your pleasure. Kick back and relax, forget the war, Iakmes won't run away! Count your lucky stars and weave your fate of fame and fortune this coming Iyar 15th.

Gregory Quigsby


Dear Gregory Quigsby,

I am drunk sick but not so much so that I can't respond to correspondence.

In fact, the word respond is even wholly contained within correspondence, because it is precisely what I am doing right now. I am responding ( respondence ) with ( co- ) you.

I wish to gamble. A lot. But your trip is poorly timed, so I will not be in attendance. I am already preparing for a trip, and my trip's days will include the 15th of Iyar.

So you see despite my interest in gambling, I cannot attend.

Estellise Azimi


Dear Apothar Azimi,

This cannot be! You are one of the Well's foremost gamblers. I dare say that I would move the entire event to the 14th if it means you will be in attendance. Would this work for you?

Gregory Quigsby


Dear Gregory Quigsby,

That will be the day I depart, but it doesn't matter.

My Knight is dead and never coming back.

Now who will protect me from them?

Estellise Azimi


Dear Apothar Azimi,

I'm very disappointed to learn that you are unable to attend the gambling trip, but never worry: I will arrange for another trip following the tentative success of this one, and I shall make it my top-priority to plan it such that you will be present so you can gamble to your heart's delight.

As for your personal issues, Ms. Azimi, I can only wish you the best in that regard as it's not in my capacity to assist. I also have no idea what you are trying to say.

However, I'm quite saddened to hear that a top-class gambler whom I respect is in such bad spirits, and so I've decided to attach a few discount coupons you can redeem at the bar in the Krak-des-Roses to drink your sorrows away while you write about your personal tragedies to people that (preferably) are not me.

Enjoy your trip,
Gregory Quigsby

[A handful of discount coupons for a variety of drinks served at the Krak-des-Roses can be found tucked inside the envelope.]
