Proposal to the Legates

Started by I love cats, February 06, 2025, 03:46:00 PM

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I love cats

Dear Honored Legates Sayburgh & Komemnos

I propose the creation of the position of Chief Gynour or Siege Master for this war a position on the Steele. I trained in the halls of castle Moonspear under house Orza to work their siege engines. Largely our siege engines combined with a castle made house Orza the military masters of the ward. The Trebuchets and other catapults and cauldrons containing burning liquids served as great detterents. The castle itself has never been breached largely to our efforts. Manning the siege engines was a position of true honor.

I can also see to it our soldiers are equipped with useful grenades such as laughing gasses, grease, bombs and of course barricades. There are other engineers in the well that I can place under my command as well. Recluta Quigsby is directly under my command and I have a good relationship with Cogsworth. I also wish to be naturally in charge of who is a qualified spotter and artillery men for the catapults to guarantee maximum efficiency. I will also run some tests and have qualified people on the telescope to prevent friendly fire as much as possible.

The increased production of grenades for our warriors will prove beneficial. I request the position have a generous salary much time and effort will be spent at a tinkering table and in many cases artillery men often receive none of the spoils of invasions in the scald. Even though the use of artillery maximizes efficiency. Once I was combined with a good spotter and the scribes noted  I got the most number of kills on a battlefield. Organization of our siege operation systems is essential for increased death of our enemies and decreased loss of life for our brave men and women who take the field.

-Balestiere Donisthrope