Poetry & Sketches

Started by Providence, November 24, 2023, 03:27:06 PM

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Lost Children

In this silence a light
In this desert a cave
Ears open eyes closed
You are this light
You are this cave
Do not hide from me
Unsought you are found
A gate you are
A feast you are
A fortune you are from above
Flying on without wings
Carrying this one to heights
Reeds, unbent
Whispers, unspoken
Mansion of wisdom
You are the day
You are the night
From your table, learning
This lover, seeking crumbs



In these cracked hands, a hollow.
In these tired eyes, no wishes.
Past want. Past hope.
What remains inside?
All the treasures of this land.


Solitude of Wanderer

When this one is alone
There is love in heavy heart

Every tear shed in solitude
A little prayer

Every star in night sky
A distant friend

My light dims
Shine, oh heart

Maybe a star will see it


Burning Tree

Stood there a tree, love-birthed child
Tree whose name was Hope
Wept we, who slash the garden
Wept we, who are of ash

Burning, Hope did scream
Burning, Hope did die
Which sins had this tree-child?
Suffer sons the labors of Father?

All sons defy their forgotten makers
Desolate monuments crumble to time
Now, Hope is ash and cinders
.. and little more thereafter ..


So many eyes are in night sky
Shining bright and small and far
What do they look for?

So many questions are in my head
Hard and strange, are both
Where are answers?

The more I grope
With large hand made for carve-rock
The more the truth slips away
Lost in cracks

So now
I only wander
And am carried by cold night wind