[DM of Frostport.] A hand delivered letter to Jarl Sigurd Giantsbane.

Started by CrimsonMedicine, February 05, 2025, 04:59:02 AM

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[Over a few drinks in the Feasting Halls of Frostport, Noxieos finds the courage to deliver a letter up the steps to his Jarl. However, he quickly retreats before the letter can be read. He is uncertain if there will be a response, but an attempt is made nonetheless.]

To Jarl Sigurd Giants-bane, Lord of Frostport, Slayer of Giants, Keeper of the North,

I write to you as one of Frostport's own, a child of its cold winds and iron-clad will. Though my path has led me far from our homeland...after the incident, my heart remains bound to its ice and snow, its people, and its honor. It is with that honor in mind that I now send this letter, bearing word of the war against Iakmes that calls for hardened warriors such as ours.

In the west, the Scald, beyond the sands of Ephia's Well, the shadow of Iakmes, Chieftain of Chiefs, rises. His horde gathers strength, seeking to claim dominion through fire and blood. The call for resistance has been sounded, and I would see Frostport's name carried among those who stand against him.

Yet I know well that Frostport does not march for empty words. I ask not for charity, nor for fealty to a cause unworthy of our steel. Instead, I seek to know what it would take. What Ephia's Well and those who wage this war must offer in return for your strength.

What price in coin, in alliance, in oath or blood, supplies, would see Frostport's warriors join the fray?

Send word, and I shall see that your terms are heard. My loyalty to Frostport is as strong as the ice that shields its shores. If the Jarl wills it, then Frostport shall not merely witness this war. It shall be remembered in its victory.

I eagerly await your word, either by summons to speak in person, or by letter.

Fruit, bear your works my Jarl,

Yours, child of ice and snow,

Noxieos Adalsteinn.

[A return location for letters is set as the Maqam in the Maq'bara in Ephia's Well.]