Make Custom Togas Cost More Than 10K

Started by cmenden, February 02, 2025, 05:25:29 AM

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I think that price made sense early chapter and was seen as a huge goal back then, but now we live under the yoke of...

~Economic Hyperinflation~

I think it makes sense that the price would have gone up accordingly, not sure what makes sense in the current economy, 20k? 50k?

Egon the Monkey

Er, we don't have hyperinflation. We have PCs with more buying power. AKA, Growth.
The staples of life (Bread, Beer, Blur, Tailored suits :P) have remained the same sort of price.
The only things that have gone up in price are political bribery, the Voice, and really fancy armaments.

That's interesting, as it kind of reflects the Well further developing from a semi-ruined fort to an outpost city. If more PCs are going round in custom togas, that means more PCs are rich and willing to pay stupid money for a vanity outfit. It reflects more PCs entering the 1% of Ephia's Well. That's story.

I don't hugely care how much a paintjob on a toga costs. But it's interesting to think about what it means. It's got no mechanical value, it's purely RP. What a 10k vanity item like this says to me is either A: "I'm playing an absolute peacock plutocrat" or B:"I have ran out of narratively satisfying projects to lob gold at". So wait, actually I do care if the stupidly expensive things go up in price. Because I'd rather see another 40k spent on 'build or screw with a thing that generates PC engagement' than 'Red toga'. The former's just more fun.

Anonymous Lemur

I think instead we need an npc in the creep who will buy stuff like glowing circlets or fancy glowing vfx equipment of any kind, magic staves, coloured toga's and basically any article of clothing that costs more than 5000 gold etc.

With the payout being about 25% of the items value or custom loot for some of the more rare, flashy and expensive items. So that way there is some danger to flaunting your rare/expensive treasures.

Egon the Monkey

I think that would be an incredible idea if said NPC would also sell the item back to you (via DM) at then say, half the original price. Because mugging people and throwing their iconic loot down a hole is shit. Mugging people and ransoming the item is really cool, but trying to set up a hostage exchange is like wearing a giant PLS GANK ME sign, especially as you can't threaten to destroy the item unless you're standing next to a bin. Using an NPC go-between would solve that issue and allow for some interesting non-lethal PVP.

I remember the old Royal Huntsman with great fondness, and the fact it provided a temptation to sell out Your Mate, the Changeling for loot. I'd love to see similar that encouraged selling out Your Mate, the Plutocrat/Faction Officer or Your Mate, the Brooker.  As then you're going for high-value targets who've earned some aggro, as opposed to jumping wormers for pocket change. Much more interesting high-risk high-reward banditry.