Letter to Legate Achaeus

Started by WriterX, January 29, 2025, 07:25:08 AM

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[A brief note, rather than a letter, delivered to the First Seat]

I heard of the incident involving the Edict Board, among them the destruction of the Springtime Promise. As I understand it, the Promise did not survive even a handful of days before being annulled. While I understand that many of the other Edicts may have been put into question, why did you agree to the destruction of this particular document? Did it hold no importance to you? It certainly should had.

I expect no answer.

Marcellus Saenus


I agreed to none of this. Alexandria burned it down of her own volition.
But the entire suite of that edicts stood mostly in support of the Cinquefoil Roses's rights and autonomy.
If they wish to get rid of all of the legal protections I've given them with the assent of their Legate, it is their own prerogative.

As for the Springtime Promise - the only copy we had of it is now destroyed. There is no legal document to enforce it.

- Komemnos