[Letter] Soldier Rhuk

Started by One_With_Nature, October 27, 2024, 12:13:56 PM

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Soldier Rhuk,

Please keep a copy of the following judgement in your records following the trial of Merilithe, on Kanon Hray 26th IY 7788.

Murder Charges - Not Guilty.
Raised Charges of Serious Unlawful Resistance - Guilty.


A fine of 2500 dinars to be paid to the Sultans Jannisary by Subat 18th, IY 7788. The Janissary may summon Merilithe to the garrison and she must attend to make payments at least once each week leading up to the mentioned date. Failure to meet the fine or attend the summons is grounds for a revisiting of her sentencing.

Please inform me if she does not abide by her sentencing.

In addition and on an unrelated case, Carrot Grimes had a letter delivered to me after the proceedings yesterday, handed to me by Nadiri Selwyn. If you would like a copy of this letter for an ongoing investigation I will be happy to oblige you.


Witness Magistrate Scribe Ekmel Fonzuvi