[J.R.] Thick leather paper holder with embossed initials.

Started by Walrus Warwagon, February 14, 2023, 06:07:22 PM

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Walrus Warwagon


The first page is devoted to a short backstory of the owner:

"I've been digging up ancient ruins for as long as I can remember. Scholar's bone. A dynasty of researches, the Riverstones... Dear reader, my name is Jagger Riverstone. And if you found these papers then, maybe, I am dead. Maybe, yet unlikely, I retired in peace, and these are my memoirs displayed in the museum. Or, maybe, my papers were stolen once again with the rest of my garb and gear, by a greedy guides turned ruffians.

This is how I ended up naked, alone, in the middle of desert. Without rations I had to survive on succulents juice. These handy plants, I owe them my life... Never a botanist, I knew little about them. What a way to learn about their hallucinogenic properties! You see, dear reader, most of my travel through the desert is lost in delirium. Right until I met the Storyteller...

Imagine my surprise then. Research I conducted on the edge of desert. And just like this, I am in it's heart! In any archeologist's dream! Halfling's luck, to turn such a dire circumstances into such a fortunate opportunity!

People ask me why I do what I do, why I risk my neck for a bunch of dusty old artifacts. Well, it's simple. History is alive, and I'm just one of the lucky few who gets to dig it up and bring it back to the world. There's always something new to discover, and that's what keeps me coming back for more. And let me tell you, there's nothing quite like the thrill of discovery!

This is the new beginning. Journey and notes of Jagger Riverstone. Live and drink!"

Walrus Warwagon

Some of the papers is just a chaotic mix of hasty notes and reminders:

"Heavy were the hands that carved"
"From thy cup springs forth life, upon our knees we sup of it."

Culture classification problems:
Old/ancient Formorian

Ostentatious culture??? (power coils?)
Severe culture??? - Pra'raj? Qa'im?

On languages:
Old/ancient Formorian

Locate for exposition:
First edition of ring's almanac
Alleywalker's scarf

Walrus Warwagon

"Today, my friend, I was reminded once again about dangers of zeal.

Learned mind is always in search. Always in doubt. Always uncertain. Until proof is found and reviewed, and cross-referenced, and confirmed by colleagues... Learned mind dwells in uncertainty, but bears a fruit of knowledge.

Zealous mind is never doubtful. It decides, and it acts. It cannot be convinced, it cannot be reasoned with. Zealous mind takes an opinion as a fact, without a proof, without the agony of exploration. It takes an opinion as an universal truth, and bears it as a weapon...

Do not try to discuss with zealous mind. For discussion with one who doesn't listen - a discussion already lost."

Walrus Warwagon

"Traditions of Fourth legions. A topic researched, no doubt, but it is incredibly difficult to find literature on it. Most of Legion's history and rituals is kept well within.
By reference of Lieutenant Vardgul, traditions of the Legion is preserved by historians. Yes, even a military organization like their involves scholarship and preservation of knowledge. I was overjoyed to learn about it, as it gives me a hope of future collaboration.

As for their recruitment - a process is as harsh as it should be. A single flaw they spot, a single misstep will get you excluded out of recruitment process. You humble author partook in it out of curiosity and has been rejected almost immediately for the same curiosity. There is, indeed, a time and a place to ask a question. A good lesson.

Main demand to the recruit, again, reasonably so, is ability to both understand and follow orders. Attention, physical capabilities, character, skill in combat, all is tested. Your strong sides is tested. IF you pass the previous tests - expect to then test your mettle against other recruits. Some would say it's a test of personal strange. But I believe that true intent of this uphill battle (quite literal) was to test the ability of candidate to work in a team.

Truly, a topic worthy of deeper research.


Walrus Warwagon

Today, dear friend, I discovered a new type of ruins. New to me, of course, as locals might be well aware of them. Attributed to Pra'raj, altough I am not sure if this classification is exactly precise.

These ruins, according to third edition of almanac, is stripped by mechanized patrols of Qa'im. Qa'im, according to many sources, is advanced in the ways of artifice. Does it mean that ancient civilizations has been even more knowlegeable on the matter?

Populated by strange mechanical creatures... I do not have enough knowledge yet to decide if these creatures is native to the ruins, or part of these patrol... I do not have enough knowledge yet ot properly classify, attribute them to any culture, to even discern time period...

What I know is - I saw an enormous, vaste iron vault under the ground. And it's flames is live. Some it fills with dread. Me? I filled with the thrill of discovery.

Altar? Workshop? Throne?

Remnants in metal sarcophagi. Human sized?

Pra'raj's iron construction towering over desert. In front is depiction of Izdu and a warning.

Walrus Warwagon

What notes I managed to take on Divulgence of Zoghir... Ther wasn't much. I can only hope that copies of thsi scroll exist... Destroyed by those afraid of knowledge - I will need to be more careful further on.

From what I managed to see, it was written by a normal sized hand. Not giant hands of tall-folk, no. Ashfolk?

Zojhir is said to be a sultan of Qa'im... Need to research it further.