Wanted: Orphans

Started by Random_White_Guy, October 10, 2024, 08:49:21 PM

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Left in Hasheema's hope, the creep, the tablet, and the refugees camp outside the city. A simple flyer.

Wanted: Orphans

Celybuin Hui'nalyw

Apothar of Q'tolip

[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Aside the orginal simple flyers, a small stack of parchment is left by each one.

More on Orphans: Why they are sought
As I have taken my first apprentice, I have learned much of teaching already.
An ambitious Wizard by the name of Graydon Ward, I have set for him a robust and detailed curriculum that shall see him from his nascent days of study towards his thesis, towards numerous examinations and field studies, towards journeyman practice of his spellcraft and wizardry, and the fundamental requirements laid before the Zenithars of High Zenithar Q'tolip to qualify as a worthy Nadiri the Third before his examination of Apothar.

However one matter that stood out of concern was that, as a Human, he is in fact elderly. This is not a sleight against him as he a truly gifted wizard - capable of a great number of circles from a lifetime of study and understanding of the craft. What he simply is missing is a combination of polish and a degree of confidence instilled that he may trust both his presence and place in the world he has found himself.

However as a Refugee he has endured hardship, distraction, means and methods by which his craft was delayed or altered. For it is a difficult thing to consider refining your articulation of Mestil's conjurations while your belly is rumbling, your skin burned by the sun, and your throat dry. This lead towards the considerations of my own privileges both compared to most of this city as well as my Fellow Apothars.

In the competitive pursuit of finding cooperative and well suited Nadiri, majority of my peers must find themselves engaged in spirited debate and a degree of petitioning if there is a Nadiri who catches the particular eye of the season's cohort. Some will play coy and aloof awaiting the Nadiri to approach first, others shall stake their claim of two, three, or more as a bargaining tool by which they may compromise and graciously offer a few spares to preserve their chosen favored. I shall not go overly indepth into the protocols and measures. But suffice to say there is an ordeal.

Considering my Nadiri is an elderly gentlemen and considering the amount of competition mentioned above this lead to an alternative consideration. A privilege I have over my peers - is fundamentally, time. I am in no rush to proceed my workings nor my efforts. For mine are a patient peoples, and my recent disabling has made me ever more so. This began to percolate the singular idea - Generational Wealth.

Among the Ashfolk this practice is considered commonplace, but in Ephia's Well it is lacking. I hold my Voice, I hold my station as Officer of the Accord, I hold my robust spellbook, my business ties to many, my productive artificing enterprise, and more - why then should I limit myself to a refugee when I have such time and fortunes at my disposal?

Enter the Orphan. The notion of taking a young ward who has time to matriculate is an honored tradition among the Wizarding craft. A young child of promise given room, board, a decade to acclimate and begin his teaching in earnest upon maturity - why that would put them decades ahead of most Refugee who will arrive in this city of ours. Doubly so if one considers that all their other needs of food, shelter, protection, tutoring, and more attended to. A veritable charity of the highest order to change a chosen ward's entire life.

However as Chronicler of the Divan and a complaint had in Sandstone College, in the Scribes, and from Zol Nur Apothar was my prolific use of parchment to explain myself, to explain situations, to detail every modicum of concern. It can lead many to sparsely read my reports he warned, or feel neglected. Furthermore considering the targeted desire of my potential ward was the Orphans of the Great Ash Desert there is further consideration to be had.

You see it is not commonplace that those who suffer to survive when bereft of parentage are inclined to spend much time sitting still, let alone reading, let alone potentially even knowing how to read. It takes a particular sort and I imagine now as I take to enchanting my quill to draft this - some of you already have stopped your reading. Now imagine you were a child of but eight years, born in the wake of the ring fall and ekeing out existence. When you are so hungered and desperate would you take the time to read such a robust treatise?

A boon of course to the pursuit of a wizarding apprentice if the child did such a thing but odds-on-thought lay towards the inclination it would simply be overlooked. Therein to remedy the matter it would need to be a clipped message, it would also need to be direct. Even moreso it would need to be something that any who have the barest understanding of the common tongue and only an inkling of reading could comprehend. Or easily take the flyer to another to read - Two words.

Wanted: Orphans.

It seemed a simple and elegant solution, without having to overly explain my interests nor overly complicate affairs by explaining at length the reasons such an apprentice was sought over one who had embarked by recent caravan from Qadira, from Il Modo, or from whatever settlement had brought them forth.

Furthermore it would lend a degree of good will - aiding one off the streets, one who feels neglected, or with little to gain of this world. An offer from on high by a benefactor who may fundamentally improve their life if they are willing to put in the work for the craft of wizardry, joining myself and Nadiri Graydon Ward in our studies overtime (Should he not expire in the next decade) and further allow him experience in teaching in his own right.

Regrettably I have been informed that some have taken my brevity for a long walk in their minds. That in my vagueness they have filled in their own gaps of thought - that the desire of wanting orphans is somehow a malicious undertaking or that if one wishes to pursue adoption of a young ward it is somehow a questionable consideration.

I am crippled and could use a courier, I am a teacher in need of student as one is rather aged, and I have fortunes of money and magic at my disposal. Ephia has a limited offering for the education of the youthful as in all my time in Sandstone College I never saw any rudimentary studies undertaken for children.

Absent of course, the Priory, taking its own orphaned girls into their fold.

May this lend some soothing balm to the worried mind.

Celybuin Hui'nalyw
Apothar of Q'tolip
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips