Make Bag Limit only count magical bags

Started by MAGIC, October 10, 2024, 11:56:16 AM

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As there is currently no means to increase the number of bags a pc can carry, can you make it so that the bag limit only counts bags that have the weight reduction property on them? You could even lower the bag limit to 3 or 4 magical bags.

It would be nice not to slow to a crawl because you get one of those warrior locker bags or something as a reward at the end of a quest, or in my case, I am given a box of stickers to hand out :D


I agree that it feels a little strange to have a limit on non-magic bags to begin with, maybe we could also just turn these off inside QA's, Explorables and Raids if possible?

That way it doesnt interrupt looting or picking up dissapating stuff as you go if you're close to the limit.


The pack limit was introduced because people would use them as inventory extensions to an extreme, having sixty or more bags in their inventory. Doing this you can easily increase the size of your pack exponentially, to several times the original maximum size. This is not what the DMs thought people's packs should be like.

It would be somewhat nice if inside QAs, the penalty for being overburdened by potions, bags, etc was at least less harsh since you need to at least be able to carry it to the end of the quest. As of right now the pack limit is less than the max, to avoid the penalty in quests.


Or alternatively, some special bags that dont count towards the max but have limited things they can carry. Like ones that can ONLY hold books.